So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 617: Return to Ji's house to tear up a forced battle (3)

"Little...Little Master."

When they entered the door, they ran into Sister Wu. Sister Wu saw Ji Chicheng and was so excited that she couldn't speak. It took a long time for her to react. She happily shouted into the room: "Little Master is back."

Counting the last time, Ji Chicheng has not returned for half a year.

This family is a little angry every time he comes back.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Anning appeared in Wu's sight again. Wu saw her and was shocked, and then reacted even more than when she saw Ji Chicheng, "Miss Anning!"

She stared at Ji Anning's face with surprise.

Ji Anning nodded slightly at her old man, and then asked anxiously: "Wu Sao, is my grandfather back?"

When she was in Ji's house, Mrs. Wu treated her very well, so she was full of respect when she spoke to her.

"The old man went out last night, and he hasn't come back yet." Aunt Wu looked at Ji Anning's anxious expression and asked concerned: "Miss Anning, is there anything urgent for you to ask the master?"

Before Ji Anning could answer, a familiar woman's voice came from the second floor.

"Yo, our young master is back."

"Heh, my niece and daughter-in-law who disappeared for two years are back."

The tone of speech was yin and yang.

Ji Anning looked over, and Lin Yanqin walked downstairs wearing a set of beige furnishings and stared at them.

You can't hide what you should face.

Ji Anning glanced at Lin Yanqin, ignored her, and continued to look at Aunt Wu and asked, "Then Grandpa said when he will be back?"

Aunt Wu shook her head, "I don't know."

"I see." Ji Anning nodded in response to Wu's wife.

Then she looked at Ji Chicheng, his handsome face, his complexion still livid, she knew that he always went his own way and hated others to interfere with him the most, even if he was the old man, his father couldn't do it.

Grandpa has taken them away now, and when they come home, he must be more angry and angry than her.

"You come back together. Is it because the old man is going to divide the family property?"

Lin Yanqin went downstairs and walked towards Ji Anning and the others while talking.

The tone is still yin and yang.

Ji Anning ignored her, and Ji Chicheng didn't even look at her.

"No, didn't you change back to your original surname? Why are you still coming to Ji's house?" Lin Yanqin approached, looking at Ji Anning with disgust.

Some vicious language seems to be brewing.

Ji Chicheng suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched Lin Yanqin's chin, and warned fiercely: "Shut your mouth."

Lin Yanqin's face was bloodshot for an instant, she frowned, pushed Ji Chicheng away hard, and was warned by Ji Chicheng in front of her servant and Ji Anning, and she did it.

After taking a breath, she pointed at Ji Chicheng, and opened her throat to curse: "Ji Chicheng, you bastard, you dare to do something to me? Do you know who you are talking to?"

This is a curse... Ji Anning stared in anger, raised his hand to Lin Yanqin's face, slapped fiercely, "Try another curse."

With this slap, even Ji Chicheng was a little confused.

He looked at Ji Anning, the sword and sword, for a long time, and laughed.

"Ji Anning, you little bitch, dare to hit me." Lin Yanqin stunned her face, then went crazy, completely out of control, she reached out and grabbed Ji Anning by the collar and backed her to the wall.