So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 619: Bright Sword Against Birth Mother (1)

Ignoring Lin Yanqin again, Ji Anning turned around and walked out of the door in a daze, and down the steps.

Ji Chicheng raised his heels behind her, staring suspiciously at her back, "Ji Anning?"

"Uncle, don't follow me, I want to be quiet." Ji Anning responded to Chi Cheng with her back, and then she walked to the side, leaning on the Roman pillar, slowly squatting down, holding her knees with her hands. "I'm waiting here."

She shouldn't be in Ji's house, don't enter the door of Ji's house, she is not from Ji's family.

she is not.

Ji Anning looked at the tall courtyard wall and the tall iron gate. Now she wants to leave this place more than ever.

I want to have nothing to do with this.

She wants to be a stranger and meet her beloved Ji Chicheng.

The cool wind blew in bursts and messed up her long hair, her nose and eye sockets were red, and it was hard to tell whether it was blown by the wind or because of emotions.


It was getting dark and the old man did not come back.

Ji Anning was still sitting on the steps, Ji Chicheng walked to her side, without saying anything, bent over and grabbed her wrist, pulling her up.

Walk to his car.

Ji Anning was taken aback and asked, "Uncle, where are we going?"

"Go and see them." Ji Chicheng dragged her and said as he walked.

"Do you know where they are?" Ji Anning speeded up excitedly, walked to the front of Ji Chicheng, and stopped him to ask.

"At Garden Island."

Ji Anning replied, Ji Chicheng reached out and opened the passenger seat door.

When Ji Anning heard that there were a lot of whereabouts, she immediately drove, fastened her seat belt, and waited for Ji Chicheng to get on the car. She asked, "Uncle, how did you know that they were on Garden Island?"

Ji Chicheng moved the car and said, "My people told me."

He stepped on the accelerator, the car made a sharp turn, facing the gate of the yard, and drove out.

There were already yachts waiting at the pier, but Ji Anning hesitated. She refused to get on the yacht. Ji Chicheng stood on the boat and looked at her suspiciously: "Ji Anning, what are you doing?"

His urging gave Ji Anning courage. She raised her head and looked at him and said, "Uncle, I will go alone. I think Grandpa's purpose is still the same as before, for you, so let me go alone."

When Ji Chicheng heard this, his face sank, "I won't give you a second chance."

Ji Anning's tone was also very firm, "Let me go alone."

"You don't need to go." Ji Chicheng let out a cold voice, then turned to the yacht driver beside him and said, "Go on."

Then, the yacht slowly sailed away from the shore.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the sight of Ji Anning is getting smaller and smaller.

It wasn't until he disappeared that Ji Anning looked back, reached out his hand and took out the phone from his bag, and clicked on the text message.

"If I see you and Chi Cheng together, you will never see the child again."


Ji Anning sighed helplessly, she raised her head again and looked towards the endless sea.

She received this text message on the way here just now.

She couldn't guarantee that Ji Zhengdao would pity that he was his granddaughter for Ji Chicheng, and couldn't guarantee that he would do anything to them.

One eye can't see, one after another is naturally timid and cowardly.

She must not let her uncle know that they are related to their nephews and uncles. It would be good for her to bear the pain of this fact alone.

As long as you can stay by his side.
