So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 616: Return to Ji's house to tear up a forced battle (2)

Ji Chicheng did not ask Ji Anning again, let go of her arm, and immediately searched everywhere. He met a woman in the uniform of an airport employee, and he grabbed it casually. The little girl in a red sweater, two years old, with two croissants."

The employee thought about it, and then said: "I just saw a middle-aged man holding a little girl. The little girl was crying, as if she was wearing red clothes."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng did not hesitate for a moment. He reached out and grabbed the walkie-talkie from the employee, and said to the walkie-talkie: "A child has been kidnapped. It is blocked here. The surveillance is off. The little girl in a red sweater is about two years old. Two croissants."

After speaking, someone in the intercom immediately continued to paging.

Ji Chicheng ignored it and took the walkie-talkie downstairs.

Ji Anning froze in place at a loss.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in her bag rang, she took out the phone in a panic, and glanced at the caller ID, an unfamiliar number from the'sea market'.

Before hesitated, she answered and put it to her ear, "Who."

"You don't have to look for it, I will take the child."

Ji Anning was startled by the voice of a familiar old man.

There was the cry of a child beside it.

"She can't see with one eye, don't scare her." Ji Anning suppressed his anger, confessed to the old man on the other end of the phone, and then hung up the phone.

Ji Chicheng is still searching frantically.

Ji Anning ran over, grabbed his arm and called to her, "Uncle."

Ji Chicheng stopped and turned around. Seeing Ji Anning's calm expression, he frowned and breathed a sigh of relief, "Have you found them?"

"Grandpa took her away." Ji Anning said lightly, letting go of Ji Chicheng's arm.

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng closed his fingers tightly, almost crushing the walkie-talkie in his hand. He gritted his teeth and trembled all over.

A cold breath radiated from him, so cold that it was suffocating.

Ji Anning looked a little scared, and she grabbed Ji Chicheng's hand again, "I think he just wants us to go back."

As she said, she let go of her hand, raised her foot and walked towards the exit.

They didn't find out that the old man had a ticket to the sea at Kyoto Airport, so they probably didn't take a plane or were not in Kyoto.

Anyway, if they go to the sea market, they will definitely see them one after another.

Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng directly booked air tickets to the sea at Kyoto Airport, and they were speechless along the way.

In the business class, she and Ji Chicheng have three assistants.

Ji Anning kept looking out the window. The plane was flying above the clouds. She was very worried, worried that the old man would be frightened, worried that she would step into the door of Ji's house again.

For more than two years, Ji Ruoqian, Ji Xiangting, Ji Jingfeng, etc., these people who were not important to her, she almost had to forget.

Now I have to go back to face them, and... she.

Is she back to Ji's house or is she still on the garden island?

Thinking of this, she had a terrible headache.

The plane arrived at 10:30 in the morning and arrived at 1 in the afternoon.

After two days of tossing, I finally arrived at Ji's house. In the deep-door compound where she grew up, the fountain in front of the door was open, and the water sprayed into the air like a celestial flower, circulating back and forth.

The car drove slowly into the courtyard, bypassed the fountain, and stopped under the steps at the gate.

Ji Chicheng opened the door and got out of the car first, aggressively.

Ji Anning followed him closely and stepped onto the steps. With each step, Ji Anning's heart became a little complicated.