So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 613: You are not allowed to move for five minutes (1)

The hair is still wet.

"Uncle, I'm back to the room." Ji Anning greeted Ji Chicheng in a low voice, then pressed his lips tightly and lowered his head.

Step by step toward the door of the room, step by step was slower than step by step, and he focused on the man on the sofa.

"Guess whether Real Madrid won or Barcelona won this time?"

Ji Chicheng suddenly said.

"Uh!" Ji Anning stopped and turned to look at Ji Chicheng.

After a shock, she curled her lips and replied in a low voice: "I don't know, I am only familiar with you as a basketball player."

"This is football." The handsome Ji Chicheng rolled his eyes at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning: "..."

This is embarrassing. The last time you used basketball as a football, this time you used it as a basketball. Ji Anning, you are getting more and more mentally retarded.

She was stuck in place, blushing, and head down.

Ji Chicheng's voice came from there again, "Ji Anning, let's bet on football."

Ji Anning raised his head and opened his mouth in surprise, "Gambling?"

Uncle, don't lie to me when I read less.

Ji Chicheng said: "I suppress Barcelona."

Ji Anning was led by his words to lose their opinions, and replied casually: "Then... Then I will crush Real Madrid."

As he said, he raised his foot and walked towards Ji Chicheng.

"Okay." Ji Chicheng followed Ji Anning's gaze and said: "Real Madrid scored a goal. You can ask me a question or do something to me. If Barcelona scores a goal, so will I."

Ask a question, or do something...

Isn't this the same as Truth or Dare?

In Ji Anning's heart, both worried and expecting, what questions Ji Chicheng would ask her, and also expected her to be interested in her.

She nodded with a ‘um’.

When he reached Ji Chicheng, he bent down and sat down beside him, the distance from his seat alone.

The game has just started not long and there is no goal yet.

Ji Anning clasped her hands and stared at the TV screen intently, very nervous.

Real Madrid and Barcelona are two strong teams. Naturally, there are contests on the court. More than 20 minutes have passed, and there have been several thrilling situations, but none of them scored.

Ji Anning sweated a lot in her palms. Every time there was a tendency to score goals, no matter which side she was, she would be nervous and excited.


Suddenly, Ji Chicheng's big hand reached out and grabbed her hand.

Ji Anning glanced down, and before she looked up at Ji Chicheng, the narrator's excited voice suddenly came on TV.

"The ball is in... the ball is in, the Barcelona players in forty minutes and three seconds in the first half..."

Ji Anning turned to look at the TV screen. Barcelona scored a goal...that means that my uncle can ask her a question or do something to her.

Thinking of her turning his head.

The next second, she was stunned.

Ji Chicheng's face leaned in front of her. When she turned her head just now, her lips rubbed against his soft lips, and a thin coolness ran across her heart.

Her heart fluctuates slightly, her breath can't help being held.

"Ji Anning, Barcelona scored a goal." Ji Chicheng's lips pressed against Ji Anning's, and a warm breath hovered around her mouth.

The crisp voice bewitched Ji Anning's mind.

She stared at Shui Lingling's apricot eyes and looked at him unblinkingly.

Tension, anticipation, and unresolved consternation.

"Five minutes, you are not allowed to move." Ji Chicheng ordered Ji Anning in a commanding tone, and pressed her lips to her lips.