So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 612: Mysterious love triangle (4)

A certain goal was achieved, Ji Anning pouted and changed the subject, "This dessert tastes good."

She scooped a spoonful of cream into her mouth and licked the spoon.

"There are also 0.1% of people who support you and me."

The man opposite suddenly spoke.

A faint tone, a faint look at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning was taken aback, raised his head and looked over, with cream still on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ji Chicheng blankly.

It took a long time for her to remember that about the news about her love triangle with Qi Helian and Ji Chicheng, there was a comment that supported her uncle, niece and daughter-in-law, and a happy life with the children of her beloved.

She smiled embarrassedly, "The netizen's brains are actually quite big."

My uncle, my nephew, and the children of their beloved live happily together...

This sentence didn't feel much when I saw it just now, but when I think about it now, I think that among those thousands of comments, only one can catch her.

Ji Chicheng changed the subject, "I will be back by plane tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Ji Anning looked up at him and asked, "Then...did you book me tickets?"

Ji Chicheng pursed his lips, stared at Ji Anning's face, looked at it for a while, and then faintly replied, "I have ordered it."

"Thank you, uncle." Ji Anning took another spoonful of milk into her mouth, holding the spoon, and the corners of her mouth rose beautifully.

Ji Chicheng leaned on the opposite side and looked at Ji Anning calmly.

Xiang Yiqing said that this kind of hatred due to love will one day be forgiven.

Because he still loves in his heart, only because of love, he chose hate to remember, so no matter whether it is love or hate, her status in his mind is always the same.


After walking around Kyoto City for a day, I ate a lot of famous snacks.

Back at the hotel, they were still holding two candied haws in their hands, saying they were going to country M, one for "Bangbang" and one for herself.

Bang Bang is the pet dog raised by Ji Chicheng, and he is now a good friend.

Ji Anning lived a dozen floors lower than Ji Chicheng, and the elevator reached her floor. She grabbed her hands and said, "One after another, say goodnight to my dad. We have to go back to our room and go to sleep."

"Daddy sleeps." They stretched out their hands and leaned toward Ji Chicheng.

Ji Anning frowned, "You don't want to sleep with your mother?"

They said: "Daddy and Mommy sleep."

Ji Anning was a little embarrassed, glanced at Ji Chicheng, his face was expressionless, and he didn't mean to call her to sleep in his room.

She leaned close to Much’s ear, and whispered: “Be good, and go to bed after returning to the room. I can see Dad tomorrow morning.”

"I want Mommy, I want Daddy." They were very persistent.

The elevator door has been open for a long time, and the assistant is pressing there. Seeing that their mother and daughter are at a stalemate, the assistant suggested: "Sister Nian, or go to Ji Shao's room and put them to sleep."

Hearing this, Ji Anning glanced at Ji Chicheng, he did not agree or disagree.

After hesitating for a while, she nodded, "Then... OK."

I was very happy to sleep with my parents.

Going back to the room, taking a shower and brushing her teeth, lying down and sleeping obediently, she cooperated with everything and soon fell asleep.

When the little girl was asleep, Ji Anning retracted her hand patted the back of the little girl, carefully opened the quilt, and got out of bed.

Gently walked out of the bedroom.

In the outer hall, men in bathrobes sit on the sofa and watch a football game.