So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 614: You are not allowed to move for five minutes (2)

Ji Anning's eyes widened, and she was stunned, letting the man's lips gently bite on her lips.

Allow her to pry away her teeth, pick up her tongue, entangle her slowly.

She clenched fists in both hands and pressed her stiffly on the sofa, but her body was getting softer and softer by the man's kiss.

Five minutes, how long is it?

Will they suffocate?

Ji Chicheng's body was also motionless, and his hands were placed almost in the same way as Ji Anning.

In this way, one minute and one second passed, Ji Anning's heartbeat went from a miss to a frantic beating of ‘puff puff puff’.

Even though the water was upset, they did not go beyond a bit.

Ji Chicheng opened his mouth once and again, every click seemed to swallow Ji Anning, and every click could arouse a frenzy of Ji Anning's desire.

Ji Anning panted again and again, her hands holding fists, sweat in her palms and her neck.

The more intense Ji Chicheng kisses, the more empty Ji Anning's heart is, what to do... She really wants to hug, and wants to hug him tightly.

"The ball is... the ball is..."

Desire was almost uncontrollable. Ji Anning was about to turn his head to look at the screen to distract a little. Ji Chicheng suddenly reached out and hugged her and pushed her down on the sofa.

He lowered his head, with deep black eyes, looking at her shiningly.

Ji Anning's heartbeat missed a beat, and suddenly there was an excited announcement from the narrator on TV.

"Barca scored another goal five minutes after the last goal..."

Barcelona again?

Ji Anning turned to look at the TV screen, Barcelona players hugged and cheered, and some rolled on the ground to vent their excitement and excitement.

She looked at Ji Chicheng again.

His eyes were still staring at her firmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Her lips trembled after being kissed, and she made a voice, "Uncle, you want to..."

What to do!

Before she could ask her words, Ji Chicheng suddenly interrupted her, "Do nothing."

Just take a look, take a closer look, and see if Anning has changed in two years.

Isn't it... or Xiao An Ning who held his hand and said that he would take him away with him.

Ji Anning pursed her lips, and looked at Ji Chicheng with both eyes.

Hearing automatically blocked the sound from the TV, and everything around me became very quiet and static.

They can clearly feel each other's heartbeat, each other's breath, and desire for each other.

"Barca scored two goals in the first half just now, leading Real Madrid by 2-0..."

The intermission ends and the second half begins.

Ji Chicheng suddenly got up and resumed his original sitting posture.

Ji Anning glanced at him, didn't get up immediately, took a few breaths, she slowly got up, sat, leaning on the back of the comfortable soft sofa.

Watching the TV screen absently.

She put her hands on the sofa at random, and when her heartbeat stabilized slightly, she glanced at the man next to her and he watched the TV intently.

Ji Anning looked down and saw Ji Chicheng's beautiful hand, right beside her.

The slender fingers, with well-defined joints, are clearly motionless, but they seem to be touching her heartstrings, and her hands can't help but approach.

Little by little.

Finally, the little finger touched Ji Chicheng's little finger, and she lifted up first and scratched his joints.

Looking at Ji Chicheng's face again, he didn't react at all.

She put **** under Ji Chicheng's palm.