So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 611: Mysterious Love Triangle (3)

"What did you say?" Ji Anning didn't hear what the assistant was muttering, and was about to ask, when suddenly there were voices calling her from behind.


Ji Anning turned her head and the tall figure stood behind her. She was startled, raised her head, and asked in surprise: "Uncle, when did you stand here?"

Ji Chicheng had a cold face and did not speak.

Walked to the opposite position.

Upon seeing this, the assistant hurriedly got up to give way, and handed over a dessert on the table, "Nian Ji Shao, you sit down, I will play with them and feed her something."

Saying hello, she immediately flashed.

Asked Ji Chicheng, but didn't get a response, Ji Anning didn't ask any more, picked up her drink, bit her habit, and looked out the window.

Motivated Kyoto is usually foggy.

There was a lot of traffic on the street.

She didn't make a sound, and the man opposite was quiet, but with such a strong sense of presence, Ji Anning couldn't help but glance at the other side.

Ji Chicheng was still wearing the beige cashmere sweater from yesterday, with a layer of soft hair that you can imagine at first glance, setting off his handsome face, especially white and gentle.

He leaned lazily on the leather sofa, his slender fingers grasped the handle of the white porcelain coffee cup, and the other hand held a small spoon and stirred casually.

He also looked out the window.

"Uncle, would you like some dessert?"

In the end, Ji Anning still couldn't stand it, reaching out and pushing the dessert in front of Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng remained silent, pressing the coffee cup to his lips, and took a sip, elegantly and leisurely.

Ji Anning was a little frustrated and frowned, "Have you seen today's news?"

The man still ignored her, she snorted coldly, "Hmph, don't want to talk to me."

What drag!

She carried it, and in the end she was sure to win. She was able to endure loneliness last night and didn't go to him.

Just as she was preparing to get cold, the man opposite suddenly spoke.

"Didn't you say that I can't tell you three sentences a day? This is the first sentence, and there are two more sentences."

After speaking in a calm tone, his gaze moved away from Ji Anning's face and looked out the window.

Raising the coffee cup, savoring comfortably.

Ji Anning: "..."

It turned out that I really heard what she said just now, the truth.

She pouted, "You used to say less than three sentences to me every day, but when you came here yesterday, you just said one sentence to me, "Almost"."

After speaking, she gritted her teeth in resentment and almost didn't break her habit.

Ji Chicheng didn't look at her, but the pair of eyes looking out the window became brighter and brighter, and a smile of smile gradually spread inside.

The two sat face to face, but they were speechless.

Ji Anning felt very awkward. She stretched out her hand and pulled the dessert that Ji Chicheng had just pushed to her again, picked up the spoon, and ate it.

"It's said in the news that you will fight with me for Qi Helian."

She still couldn't help not talking to him, "Ninety percent of the people support you together."

Ji Anning didn't know what she wanted to express, just wanted to find some presence in front of him.

She was not like this before. She liked him for so many years, and at a young and frivolous age, she could quietly enjoy the feeling of unrequited love.

Now that he is a little older, he is a lot more impetuous.

"Are you within 90% of the population?" Ji Chicheng turned his head and raised his eyebrows to look at Ji Anning.