So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 610: Mysterious love triangle (2)

'Some netizens ridicule, if they are really together, it is also a very good story of a childhood sweetheart. Ninety percent of netizens expressed support for'Liancheng CP', only a few People support'Lian Nian CP', but there is a netizen who is more interesting, saying that it is not as good as my uncle and niece and daughter-in-law together, with the children of the beloved, living a happy life. ‘

I couldn't stop thinking about it and laughing.

The assistant on the side looked at her speechlessly for a long time, and said with a smile: "Sister Nian, stop smiling, smile again and wrinkles."

"Oh, I really can't laugh...haha..." He said that he couldn't laugh, but he still laughed out of breath, "I don't know how big the shadow area of ​​Qi Helian's heart is now."

When the assistant heard the words, he looked at her amused and raised her eyebrows, "Don't you care about the shadow area in Ji Shao's heart?"

"He..." Ji Anning pressed her lips tightly, and after a long period of endurance, she still laughed'poof', "he should be like this."

With that said, she made some adjustments and brewing, then put on a cold expression and glanced at the phone screen with bored eyes.

"Puff ha ha ha..."

Ji Anning had learned how Ji Chicheng would react when he saw the news, and laughed again after not holding on for two seconds.

"But Qi Shao drink Ji Shao really grew up together?" The little assistant started gossiping.

Ji Anning nodded, "Hmm, yes, they are in a good relationship."

Then she added, "Moreover, Qi Helian has a nickname, which can only be called by my uncle."

The story of the two handsome guys is naturally very interested in the little assistant who is just over the age of a girl. She put her hands on her cheeks and looked at Ji Anning excitedly, "Sister, please gossip."

"Qi Meiren." Ji Anning said these three words with a smile.

Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that the media will catch the wind and catch the shadows. My uncle, for so many years, seems to be two friends, Qi Helian and Xiang Yiqing, and they grew up with Qi Helian.

When he was young, he always bullied Qi Helian, and Qi Helian stuck to him all day and played with him.

"Qi Meiren" is such a nickname, no one is allowed to call him, only my uncle calls him, he has no temper.

Seeing that they are both twenty-six and seventy-seven, one has no fixed target, and the other is not close to women in front of the public.

Hey, fortunately she has experienced it, knowing that my uncle is not crooked, otherwise, she must also think that they are in love.

Imagining, she couldn’t help sharing with her assistant, “Look, it’s no wonder the media would write like that. My uncle looked like an ascetic attack in a novel. Company Qi He has a peachy face. , 忒 fits the image of those humble receivers."

The assistant and Ji Anning sat face to face, just about to take Ji Anning’s words, she raised her eyes, her eyes trembled suddenly, then she closed her mouth, and smirked at Ji Anning, "...hehe, miss your expression today It's better than before. Is it because Shao Ji came to accompany you from Country M?"

"No." Ji Anning pouted, "Don't you see that he is stubborn at me every day and can't say three sentences? Besides, how could he come because of me? He must have missed me very much and noisy. He couldn't help it, he just came."

As she said, she patted her face with her hands, then put her cheeks in her mouth, and said, "It may be that I have been busy recently, and the quality of sleep is better."

The corner of the assistant's mouth twitched, turning his face away and looking out the window, whispered in a low voice: "I can only help you get here."