So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 609: Mysterious Love Triangle (1)

The picture is the cover of Ji Anning and Qi Helian for the tenth anniversary of Fashion. They behave closely.

The headline of the news is "Xiao Tian Wang Qi Helian and the new goddess Li Nianjia are suspected of having a real relationship, and their daughter already knows how to make soy sauce." ’

There is also a picture of a little girl under the photos of the two.

When the old man saw it, his face sank.

Ji Ruoqian looked at her father's reaction. She gloated and said with excitement: "Ji Anning has given birth to a child, and Qi Helian's child is two years old. I never expected it."

The meaning of fanning the flames is obvious, how can the shrewd old man not know her tricks.

It just so happened that he was angry right now and needed to vent. He reprimanded Ji Ruoqian: "Are you doing well in the final exam? I'm embarrassed to come out to meet people after I have missed a few subjects."

Suddenly getting angry, Ji Ruoqian almost dropped the phone on his hand.

When she reacted, she frowned and yelled to the old man in dissatisfaction, "Don't be angry with me every time you old man, look, look, your granddaughter-in-law, who drinks from our home with snacks, helped the old man raise her. , I said at the beginning that Ji Anning gave me Jing Feng a cuckold, your old man must not believe it, now it's a shame."

It's okay not to mention it. When it comes to her, she feels more angry when she mentions that she is dissatisfied with the old man, like a flood, and it is out of control. "Not only did they give you a kick, they also changed their name and surname."

After venting to the old man, Ji Ruoqian looked at his mobile phone screen again, looked at the pictures of Ji Anning and Qi Helian, and cursed: "Ji Anning, this white-eyed wolf, is really shameless. Is our Ji family inferior to the Qi family?"

As she said, she swiped her finger on the screen, "I think she is coveting Qi Helian's beauty. This woman is really disgusting. The most important thing is that the news also touched on my uncle, saying that my uncle is because he likes it. Qi Helian, rob Qi Helian and Ji Anning's children, what the **** is this writing?"

Ji Ruoqian enlarged a section of news to show the old man.

The old man's angry face was blue, he touched the pillow next to him, and slammed Ji Ruoqian's back fiercely, "Ji Ruoqian, how far do you get Lao Tzu to roll."

"Ah..." Ji Ruoqian yelled in pain, jumped up, and turned to spit at his old man, "Your mouth is eccentric, patriarchal, what is wrong with my sister and me, how much heart saves you? Your son and your grandson."

In this family, except for Ji Mingyue, Ji Ruoqian dared to complain like this.

After speaking, she hummed around and went upstairs in a huff.

The old man kept his face pale, put his hands on his thighs, and took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions.

Then he reached out and picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Look if An Ning is still in China now."



On weekdays, during leisure time in the afternoon, there are not many people in the hotel’s coffee shop, and it’s quiet with light music.

Ji Anning stared at the content of the headlines that she and Qi Helian had just posted at noon, and had watched them for nearly half an hour.

She was laughing for half an hour.

'Ji Chicheng, the youngest master of the first family in the sea city, is suspected of unrequited love for Qi Helian, robbing children and men with his nephew and daughter-in-law. According to insiders, Ji Chicheng gave up the inheritance rights of the Ji family for Qi Helian, just to be with his beloved People together, it is understood that Ji Chicheng and Qi Helian grew up together. ’