So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 608: Homecoming Show Show Show (8)

"Please don't involve my uncle in this boring gossip news. He is my uncle, an elder."

He is my uncle...

This sentence, every word, trembled her heart, as if it had shattered.

She is unwilling to accept this fact, but she can't change this fact.

She seemed to say loudly to the camera, he is my first love, the person I love, the person I have loved for seven or eight years, and the father of my daughter.

‘If you don’t stay with Jing Feng, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be in Ji’s house. ’

‘That way, your relationship, including the relationship between your uncles and nephews, will be exposed immediately. ’

‘We all love him and should not ruin him. ’

Because she loves him, how can she be willing to ruin him, my uncle and nephew... the blood relatives.

Such a lofty uncle, she can't let him be spurned by the world for her own sake, so that he will be treated with strange eyes on any occasion in the future.

A sonorous response, Ji Anning turned and entered the room.

Leaning back on the closet door, squat down slowly.

The assistant was still outside to disperse the reporters. Ji Anning hugged his head with his hands and covered his ears. He didn't want to hear or hear those questions.

Suddenly, a pair of man's feet walked in front of her, spotless leather shoes and black trousers.

Ji Anning was taken aback, she slowly and slowly raised her head.

The man lowered his head, frowned slightly, his deep black eyes looked at her like two black holes.

"Uncle, I can't do it."

Ji Anning suddenly got up, hugged the man in front of him, buried his face in his chest and shook his head in pain.

She can't do it, still can't do it.

Ji Chicheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, his body motionless.


For a while, he sighed silently, lowered his eyes slightly, and his lips pressed coldly, and slightly opened, "Just treat it as a hug from yesterday."

Just treat it as the hug from yesterday?

Ji Anning was sad when she suddenly heard Ji Chicheng say such a sentence, she looked at him with a puzzled face, her eyes filled with doubts.

"Daddy Mommy kisses..."

Suddenly, voices came from below.

The little girl watched mom and dad hug each other, she was very happy, clapped her little hand, milky milk teasing.

Ji Anning blushed.

She quickly released Ji Chicheng, lowered her head and rubbed her eyes.



Many children were very persistent and refused to give up without seeing their parents kissing.

Ji Anning frowned and gave her an angry look, "Little things, do you want to eat something delicious."

"Mummy is bad." The little girl spit out her tongue at Ji Anning in disdain, then ran to Ji Chicheng, held his leg, looked up at him and said: "Daddy is good, Daddy eats."

It means that Daddy will take her to eat.

"Hey, you little white-eyed wolf." Ji Anning bent down, leaned in front of them, and stretched out his hand to lightly bounce on the little girl's forehead.

The little girl pouted and hummed.


Ji Anning frowned and hummed back.

The uncle lowered his eyes, rolled his eyes, and the two daughters were looking at him.


Ji family.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

Ji Ruoqian entered the door with her mobile phone and saw the old man sitting on the sofa. She excitedly ran to sit next to his old man and asked the phone screen at his old man: "Is this true?"

The screen was the news page of a certain website, and the names of Ji Anning and Qi Helian appeared.