So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 593: Father and daughter turn on dog abuse mode (3)

One after another, they were clever, nodding their heads with a ‘um’.

"be good."

Ji Anning kissed distressedly and put the little girl down.


Suddenly, the little girl looked at the door of the building and yelled clearly. Before Ji Anning could react, she opened her arms and ran toward the door quickly.

Ji Anning looked up and saw Ji Chicheng coming in a suit and shoes. She was surprised, and then walked over happily, "Uncle."

Ji Chicheng's gaze swept across Ji Anning's face, looking at them, with a petting smile on his face, "Daddy will take you to eat delicious food."

"Eat." They hugged Ji Chicheng's neck happily, and slapped his mouth.

This picture is abuse.

Ji Anning stood aside and was sour, once he only showed her petting and tenderness.

But if he came to pick them up for dinner, did it prove that he was not angry? Not angry that she is going back to China to film?

Thinking about it this way, Ji Anning's mood improved again. She stretched out her hand and squeezed her mouths: "Snacks, mommy treats you today. Would you like to have a big meal with Dad?"

"Good." They nodded happily.

Anyway, as long as she has something to eat, she doesn't care who treats guests, and she doesn't understand what a treat is.

Ji Anning said to Ji Chicheng boldly: "Uncle, I have a treat today."

Ji Chicheng didn't speak, but turned around one after another, and walked out of the gate of the building.

It was like this again, as if back before the liberation, he didn't bother to say a few words, Ji Anning pouted at the back of Ji Chicheng, and complained about him in his heart.

Then quickly follow his footsteps.

Ji Chicheng had someone send him over, so they are driving the car that Ji Anning drove.

Ji Anning was sitting in the back seat one after another. In order to be able to see Ji Chicheng, she woke up very early every morning. He did not need to drive when he was sitting in the car. He would doze off for a while.

"Mommy, Mommy."

Ji Anning didn't know she would wake up from sleep, so she grabbed her hair with little hands, pulling and shouting.

She just woke up, raised her head, rubbed her sleepy eyes, "Are there yet?"

She yawned as she asked, then she put down both hands and looked out the car window.

They were in the foyer of a luxury hotel, and she looked at the door of the hotel as if she had known each other, as if it had happened not long ago.

Ji Anning was recalling when she had been to this hotel. The doorman of the hotel came over and she was stunned when she saw the work clothes worn by the doorman.

It was the most expensive restaurant in the world that I ate with Char that day...

She looked at Ji Chicheng in the driver's seat again.

"You said the treat." Ji Chicheng glanced at Ji Anning lightly, feeling a little innocent, then pushed the door to get out of the car.

Ji Anning is petrochemical!

A casual meal here costs seven figures, and a family of three, even if it saves a little bit, it costs four to five million, five to six million is gone...

The box fee alone is 100,000 yuan.

She wanted to say whether this would be too extravagant, but Ji Chicheng had already got off the car and gave the car key to the doorman.

Then he opened the back door of the car and bent over to hug the car.

He... is deliberate, must be deliberate, deliberately slaughter her, deliberately punish her.

Ji Anning looked at the man who had entered the hotel door, gritted his teeth in resentment.

The doorman was going to help them park, and she couldn't get out of the car.