So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 594: Father and daughter turn on dog abuse mode (4)

"Is there a card." Ji Anning lowered her head as she walked, flipped out her wallet from her bag, opened it and saw that the bank cards were all brought, and she felt a little more at ease.

Enter the door, quickly catch up with Ji Chicheng, and walk towards the elevator.

"Mr. Ji."

When they arrived at the elevator entrance, the elevator just came, they were about to enter the elevator, and suddenly a familiar woman's voice called Ji Chicheng behind them.

Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng's footsteps stopped at the same time and turned to look over.

A flash of hostility flashed in Ji Anning's eyes, watching the beautiful mixed-race woman walking towards them quickly, she frowned depressed, and thought sourly in her heart that it was not her uncle who called her to come.

Thinking about it, Korea arrived in front of them. She smiled and waved to Ji Anning. Without saying hello, she moved her eyes to the bodies that Ji Chicheng was holding.

"One after another."


They were very happy to see Korea and waved their little hands at her.

Ji Chi Cheng had already stepped into the elevator at this time, Korea speeded up, trying to follow Ji Chi Cheng into the elevator.

Ji Anning noticed her actions and didn't even think about it. She took a big step and squeezed into the elevator in front of Korea. She was standing straight next to Ji Chicheng, clasping her hands and clasping her hands.

Korea followed into the elevator and stood on the other side of Ji Chicheng, her attention focused on her body. She smiled and squeezed her small faces, "I haven't seen you for several days, my aunt missed you so much."

They pursed their small mouths politely, "I miss Auntie."

Ji Anning frowned slightly, glanced at the little girl in dissatisfaction, and complained about her in his heart, without ethics, hypocrisy, and thoughtless.

She played so happily at home every day, she didn't even mention this aunt, she thought about wool, she didn't believe it anyway.

"Really good." Korea touched their heads again, raised their eyes slightly, looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Are you here for dinner too?"

After asking, she glanced at Ji Anning.

Nonsense, this is a restaurant, and it's not a meal here. Is it a restaurant?

No, they are incumbents, how can she spit out others like this?

Ji Anning realized that she was a bit embarrassed, and immediately corrected her predecessor's attitude, and smiled at Korea slightly, "Yes, I'll treat you, Miss Korea, do you want to be together?"

Korea smiled embarrassedly: "My mother came to see me in N City, and I brought her to dinner."

What? So she didn't call her uncle? Didn’t you come to eat with them?

In Ji Anning's mind, it was like a big rock had been removed, and everything went smoothly.

"But as for me and my mother, we can eat together."

Korea suddenly said again.

Ji Anning: "..."

She wanted to cut off her tongue. She thought that Korea had been called by Ji Jicheng.

I thought that she would eat together anyway, so she seemed to be generous.

Now it's all right. If she says nothing, she is slapping herself in the face if she says no, so she has to continue to laugh and pretend to be generous.

I really have to teach this mouth a lesson when I go back. It's really annoying.

"My mother and I are in box three. Tell me which number you are on. We will look for you in a while."

When the elevator reached the restaurant floor, Korea asked Ji Anning's box number.