So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 592: Father and daughter turn on dog abuse mode (2)

She walked to Ji Chicheng and said with a smile: "It was Real Madrid who won again. I also think Ronaldo is better than Messi."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng turned to look at her with silent eyes.

She raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

Ji Chicheng nodded blankly, "Well, you are very discerning."

No, his eyes and tone were wrong, Ji Anning moved his gaze to the TV screen again, and she suddenly remembered seeing those tall and burly black players holding trophies and basketballs.

This... is basketball.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi play football! ! !

This guy actually said that she has a vision...

One night, after committing embarrassment countless times, Ji Anning turned his head and looked depressed at the man beside him who was still staring at the TV screen.

I must have been laughing at her a long time ago.

She took a sip of water to relieve her embarrassment, and then looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Uncle, are you so far away from the language class?"

"I'll give you the address in a moment. It's nearby." Ji Chicheng said, leaning back lazily.

Ji Anning's gaze followed him, "English or Chinese?"

She just wanted to find a topic to chat with him.

Ji Chicheng raised his hands to pillow his head, raised his eyebrows and asked Ji Anning, "Can't you teach Chinese by yourself?"

"Okay." Ji Anning nodded, gladly, "I will take less work in the future and spend more time teaching her."

Ji Chicheng's eyes were fixed on her face, expressionless, as if he wanted to see her through.

Ji Anning was not embarrassed, but a guilty conscience. She turned back with a guilty conscience, not looking at Ji Chicheng, lowered her eyes, and whispered: "Uncle, next month, I have a scene to start filming, and it may take a few months to return to China. ."

She said, ‘I’ll do less work in the future and teach her more time’, which is actually paving the way for this.

"It's up to you." Ji Chicheng replied to Ji Anning, his eyes returned to the TV screen.

Lukewarm tone.

Ji Anning thought he was angry, and quickly explained to him, "I signed this play at the beginning of the year."

Ji Chicheng nodded with a "um".

Then he straightened up suddenly, got up, and walked towards the stairs, obviously going upstairs.

Hmm... Are you agreeing or not? Are you angry or not?

It's annoying, why can't you make a clear statement?

Ji Anning stared at the figure of Ji Chicheng walking up the stairs, very dissatisfied with the response he gave her. In fact, he was afraid that he would be angry.

For the next two consecutive days, Ji Chicheng got up early and returned late. In the morning, she hurriedly had breakfast together. At night, she basically fell asleep without waiting for him to come back.

Every time I made up my mind to wait for him to come back, but I couldn't resist the sleepy bugs.

On Wednesday, there were language classes one after another, and Ji Anning drove there by himself three or four stops away.

Many children from several countries also met Chinese babies.

She rarely meets so many children, she finds it fresh and likes this language class very much.

Probably because they were tired from playing with the children, they would hug each other as soon as they went out. Because they were still young and had a lot of things to bring when they went out, Ji Anning still carried a big bag in her hand.

She bent over and picked up the little girl with one hand, which was a bit difficult.

Most of them came with the parents, and the father held the child.

When she got out of the elevator, Ji Anning really couldn't hold her, and she discussed with them, "One after another, come down and walk for a while, mother is tired."