So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 591: Father and daughter turn on dog abuse mode (1)

"I'm not used to eating at this point, thank you Miss Anning."

The aunt shook her head and turned back to Ji Anning and left.

Ji Anning bit the chopsticks and looked at the two cups of cola and **** soup. The scene of Ji Chicheng feeding her and **** soup flashed back in his mind.

"Both cups for you."

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng couldn't stand it anymore, and took the two cups of **** soup and put them in front of Ji Anning.

"No, no," Ji Anning shook his head and said, "I didn't want to have a couple of cups. You have a cold and you have to drink."

"I believe in medicine more." Ji Chicheng rolled his eyes at Ji Anning, then lowered his head to continue eating.

Ji Anning frowned, "It's a three-point medicine. Although this prescription is not as effective, it doesn't hurt the body."

"Heh... Coke?" Ji Chicheng sneered disapprovingly, "Not all."

As he said, he bowed his head, held up the bowl, ate the last bite of rice in the bowl, then took the napkin and wiped his mouth, got up and walked around to Ji Anning's side, opened the chairs beside them and sat down.

He picked up the bowls, scooped a spoon of soup, and brought it to their mouths, "Hey, Dad."

Isn't it... not all?

What means?

Ji Anning was still thinking about what Ji Chicheng said just now, and couldn't think of any disadvantages of Coke, but he was worried about whether Coke was also bad.

And I have indeed heard of drinking less Coke before.

Under entanglement, she put down the dishes and chopsticks, took out her mobile phone from the big pocket of her jacket, and searched the Internet for "what is bad for the human body?

She seldom drinks any drinks. Except for a cold, Yang Yufang cooks **** soup for her. She rarely touches it.

‘When a newlywed man drinks a cola-type beverage, his sperm will be killed directly...’

The search came out with a large number of results, and Ji Anning didn't know why she saw the one assigned in the middle at a glance. After seeing it, she committed another embarrassment.

Look at the man who patiently feeds the child, her handsome face and gentle eyes.

The words Jing~Zi broke into her mind again, her face was so hot, she quickly retracted her gaze, locked the phone screen, and looked at the two large glasses of coke and **** soup opposite.

She hesitated for a moment, decided to get up and bring them together, "Give me both cups. Uncle, you will take medicine in a while."

The man looked at her behavior, curled his lips funny, and ignored her.

After eating and playing with each other for a while, Ji Anning washed the little girl and coaxed her to fall asleep.

She slept for a day and a night, and just drank two big cups of Coke with a substitute function. At the moment, she was in good spirits and couldn't sleep over and over. She decided to get up and go downstairs to watch TV.

By the way, take the cup of Coke and send it down.

After leaving the door, there was a TV sound from downstairs. Ji Anning curled his lips curiously, speeded up his pace and walked to the top of the stairs, looking towards the living room.

Ji Chicheng is watching a basketball game.

She went downstairs and deliberately moved her steps very heavily, with a loud voice.

However, there was no use for eggs. Ji Chicheng was engrossed on the TV screen and did not notice her at all.

What catches your eyes.

Ji Anning narrowed his mouth, rolled his eyes at the man on the sofa, then took the water glass to the restaurant and poured a glass of water out.

The game seemed to be over. I don't know which side won, and there was cheers.

Ji Anning walked over and glanced at the screen. One team wore white jerseys and the other wore red jerseys. The white jersey team won, and cheered each other excitedly.