So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 581: His temperature (6)

Seeing the aunt hurriedly running over in front of her, Ji Anning suddenly made a decision, turning around and saying to one after another, “One after another, it’s raining, let’s go and give my dad an umbrella, OK? ?"

They nodded, "Okay."

Even if it's just a two-year-old child, this good sound is a great encouragement to her. She stretched out her hand and touched the small heads with relief, "You wait for mom here."

Then she got up and went into the kitchen.

"Miss Anning, what are you doing."

Ji Anning just cut the sliced ​​ginger and poured it into the boiling Coke. Auntie came in. She replied casually: "I'll make some Coke **** syrup."

"Is it for Mr. Ji?" The aunt leaned close to Ji Anning and looked at the pot, with an ambiguous smile on her kind face.

"Ah...hmm." Ji Anning was a little embarrassed, and nodded shamefully, "Yes."

The aunt said: "Then I won't help you."

Ji Anning was still a little bit ashamed, and nodded and said: "Don't help, it's very simple, you go and do yours."

Holding the lid in one hand and the spatula in the other, she stirred the **** that had just been poured into the Coke.

She made Coke Ginger Syrup for the first time when she was eleven years old when Yang Yufang made it for her.

At that time, she had a very serious cold. After taking medicine every day, Yang Yufang always boiled a large glass of Coke and **** water for her to drink.

When she boiled for her, she stood aside.

‘It’s better to stay longer. ’

‘Hot, you drink slowly. ’

‘After taking the medicine, drink a bowl of cola and **** water, won’t the medicine feel bitter? ’

"Miss Anning, it's almost done."

Ji Anning was fascinated by the memories, and the aunt suddenly came in to remind her.

She recovered and looked at the pot again. The coke had disappeared for a long time. She quickly turned off the fire and reached out to serve the pot.


After burning for too long, the handles on both sides of the pot were very hot, and she jumped up when it was hot.

"You slow down, slow down, it's hot." The aunt pulled Ji Anning away and helped her pour the coke **** into the thermos.

Why did you think of her today?

Ji Anning stood aside blankly, annoyed and blamed himself.

Looking for the address of the Ji Chicheng company that Ji Mingyue was coming to, Ji Anning drove the car with safety chairs in the garage and put them on the safety chairs.

Ji Chicheng’s company is in the IT industry of N City, where the headquarters of several well-known IT companies in the world are concentrated.

The office building where Ji Chicheng's company is located is facing the busiest shopping street in N City. The open-air parking spaces are very empty at night. Ji Anning randomly found a location and got the car ready, and then hugged him and got off.

"Do you know where Dad's company is?"

They nodded, "Yes."

"Then you can show mom the way." Ji Anning put the little **** the ground, and the little girl ran toward the office building quickly.

Ji Anning still struggled to chase after her.

There were no security guards on duty at night, and they entered the elevator unimpeded. Ji Anning hugged the floors that were pressed.

On the 16th floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, you could see the English words "Beautiful City".

And it seems to have entered a fantasy world, where the smell of castles on the phone is full.

Ji Anning found it unbelievable, stepping deep into it step by step. There were shop windows everywhere on the wall, and every window was like a palace with jewels and jewels that were characteristic of the beautiful city.

Every piece of jewelry is so noble and refined.