So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 582: His temperature (7)

"One after another."

Ji Anning was admiring one by one, dazzled, when a familiar woman's voice suddenly heard in front of her, she was taken aback.

Looking over, the tall woman walked towards them with a smile, Korea.

She is wearing a big red V-neck bottoming shirt and black tight leather pants, and she is confident and free in every step.

Ji Anning always thought that Ji Chicheng was in love with Korea, but at this late hour, seeing her in Ji Chicheng's company, she couldn't help but feel sour.

If you want to turn around, leave.

The people around us greeted Korea happily. With such a small child, whoever treats her kindly, she will kiss.

When she ran to Korea, she opened her arms for a hug.

Korea bent over to pick her up, and kissed her on the forehead. "I haven't seen them for a few days. Auntie wants to have them."

After teasing, Korea looked at Ji Anning again and smiled generously at her, "Miss Nian Nian."

What she called was Ji Anning's current name in the passport, the name in the entertainment industry.

Ji Anning forced a smile reluctantly, "Miss Korea."

They were in the staff office now, and she glanced around. Although the lights were on, she didn't see anyone else.

"Hello." Korea spoke again. She said, "Mr. Ji has a very serious cold. He just drank some cold medicine and fell asleep on the table now."

When Ji Anning heard the words, her heart twitched more and more severely. The smile on her face remained unchanged, and she faintly replied to Korea: "It's okay. They were clamoring to come to find dad, so I brought him."

She didn't want to see Korea's confident, high-looking face, and bend over to discuss with them, "One after another, Dad is sleeping and will have to work for a while, shall we go back first?"

"Dad." They insisted on going to find father.

Ji Anning frowned slightly, "Dad is busy. I will see Dad when I get up tomorrow morning."

As she said, she bent over and hugged them.

The bag with the thermos barrel was put on her wrist, and then she looked at Korea and said, "Miss Korea, are you busy? I'll take it home first."

But they all pointed their little hands at Ji Chicheng's office, insisting to find his father, "Dad...Dad..."

Ji Anning was already stuck in her heart. The little girl made such a fuss, and she was even more upset. No matter the noise, she just hugged her and turned around.

Little mouths were pouting one after another, teary eyes hazy.

"Why don't you just stay here, and let her go back with Mr. Ji later."

Korea's footsteps followed that of Ji Anning, and wanted Ji Anning to stay behind.

Ji Anning turned his head and smiled at her, "No, it's too late, I just took her to see and leave."


He came to look for his father excitedly. When he came, he would leave without seeing his father. The little girl was very upset and sad, and she cried with a flat mouth.

Ji Anning patted her back to comfort her, "Hey, dad will go home when he is done."

Korea looked at them, looking distressed and unbearable, and continued to discuss with Ji Anning, "Miss Niannian, Mr. Ji will probably wake up in a while. I think he will see them all here and will not work too late. Why don't you just leave them behind."

Ji Anning stopped, turned around and gave it to Korea with a slight smile, "Then trouble Miss Korea."

Korea immediately reached out and took them over, rubbing her face against the small faces affectionately, and then said to Ji Anning: "When Mr. Ji wakes up, I will let him take them back."