So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 580: His temperature (5)

Ji Chicheng rolled his eyes and glanced at her. Without replying to her, he chewed the food in his mouth, without showing signs of like or dislike on his face.


Suddenly, he sneezed and covered his mouth with his hand in time.

Just reached out and took two tissues to wipe his mouth, he sneezed twice.

"Have you caught a cold?" Ji Mingyue raised her head and asked Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng shook his head, "No."

His voice was full of thick nasal sounds, and he coughed several times after speaking.

Ji Mingyue frowned, "The voice is not right."

"Take some cold medicine for a while." Ji Mingyue confessed with concern, and then whispered in a low voice, "This weather can't be, and it's not raining. How can I catch a cold for such a big person? The body is really too low."

Ji Chicheng didn't have the heart to ignore this kind of concern from his relatives Nuan Nuan. He gave a faint ‘um’, bowed his head and continued to eat.

When she lowered her head, her gaze flicked over Ji Anning's face. She seemed to have no response to his cold symptoms.

He speeded up his breakfast as if he was angry.

After eating all the nutritious breakfast, Ji Anning looked at the empty plate and couldn't stop feeling happy.

Ji Mingyue squinted at her and said with contempt: "Look at your talents. You work hard to cook a meal for people to eat. After you finish eating, you don't even have to thank you. You still can't find North happily."

Ji Anning stuck out her tongue at her, skipped her topic, looked at her worriedly and said, "Sister, you should not do that interview with Char."

If it wasn't for the awkward atmosphere last night, she would have talked to her about it last night.

Ji Mingyue frowned, "Why?"

Ji Anning replied vaguely: "His mansions are very deep, so don't contact him."

As for Char, and Char's intentions, it's really not one sentence or two sentences that can be said clearly and explained clearly.

She didn't know how to tell Ji Mingyue, and she didn't even dare to imagine that if she knew that Char and the old man had grievances, she would do anything hard to end with her fiery temper.

Ji Mingyue didn't care, shrugged and said: "I just want to interview him, in order to increase my popularity, to add a glorious touch to my live broadcast career, his city government does not care about me deeply, and I don't talk to him. Do business."

"Actually he is..." Ji Anning has a headache, think about it or forget it, she said: "When you set the time for his interview, remember to tell me."

At that time, she must accompany her, and must find a way to make her wary of Char.

"I got it." Ji Mingyue nodded, without taking Ji Anning's words to heart.

After eating, Ji Mingyue dragged the box away, saying that he would return to Country Y after an interview.

The company she just founded is very busy.


There were only two people on the table, Ji Anning and Xuan. The aunt cooked a table of dishes, and Ji Anning ate a few bites.

Sitting on the sofa watching TV with them, the sky was getting dark outside, and there seemed to be signs of rain. She listened absently as she sang along the TV indiscriminately.

"It looked like it was going to rain this day, so I'll go take the potted plants outside."

Auntie looked at the weather in the kitchen and felt that it was going to rain, thinking about the potted plants outside that should not be rained.