So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 577: His temperature (2)

With an explanation, Ji Anning got up and went upstairs.

Pat his hot face with his hand while walking.

It's not good, it's too shameful, you should switch channels when you saw that kind of lens just now, why do you still watch it with relish.

And what he said without blushing and heartbeat... Isn't it just rolling the sheets...?

what! I really want to find a seam to drill in and never come out again.

Looking at Ji Anning who had fled, Ji Chicheng couldn't help replaying the scene on TV just now. A certain part of his body was heating up, and with the effect of alcohol, the heat was extremely fast.

However, Ji Mingyue is still fanning the flames on the sidelines, "Isn't it because I am here to bother you guys."

She held back a smile and looked at Ji Chicheng pretending to be probing.

Ji Chicheng's face was stern, Ji Mingyue immediately shook his head and waved his hands, "It's okay, it's okay, my plane will be gone tomorrow night, you guys are going to be hi in such a big room."

As she said, she turned around, twisted her waist, and walked towards the top of the stairs humming a little song.

"That's right." Ji Mingyue went up the steps, suddenly thought of something, stopped, turned to look at Ji Chicheng, and said solemnly: "You guys, don't stain Wuli's pure eyes."

After speaking, she continued upstairs.

Ji Chicheng held his hands in his pockets, clenched his fists tightly, not irritating Ji Mingyue's teasing, but tolerating the burning...desire fire in his body.

He also stepped forward, striding upstairs heavy.

When he reached the door of his room, he reached out and grabbed the doorknob and was about to open the door. Suddenly he withdrew his hand again, turned around on an impulse, and unscrewed the door of the opposite room.

There was a small night light in the room, and the dim light added a bit of confusion. His tall body was stiff again.


When Ji Anning heard the door opening, she jumped out of bed vigilantly, and when she saw Ji Chicheng, she shouted in surprise.

Just now she got into the bed and took off the cover. Now she is only wearing a nightdress. Although she is not so full, she has a different charm with a child.

Ji Chicheng's eyes swept across her chest inadvertently, and her Adam's apple squashed. He quickly moved his eyes away and moved to Xiao Dian who was sleeping on the bed, and then pointed to Ji Anning one after another: "I'll take a look."

My voice became hoarse because of the suppression of desire.

As he raised his foot to walk to the bed, Ji Anning looked at his tall back, her mouth narrowed, and her mood was uncontrollable.

He just came to see them.

He stepped up and stood beside Ji Chicheng, staring at him, and whispered: "She didn't sleep much at noon today. She went to bed early at night."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded slightly, his tone was less cold and more gentle.

Hearing Ji Anning's heart and liver couldn't help but become soft and numb. She gave her the confidence to talk to him. She withdrew her gaze from her body, looked at Ji Chicheng's face, and asked, "Uncle, you are drinking."

He was full of alcohol, so she asked it knowingly.

Because I really couldn't find any topic to talk to him, but I really wanted to talk to him, listen to his voice, and listen to him not having a gentle voice to her for a long time.

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded lightly again, and responded softly.

"Oh." Ji Anning pouted, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere became silent, and the silence made them both feel a bit ambiguous with each other, and they all knew in their hearts that it was because of their own heart.