So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 578: His temperature (3)

That's why I am embarrassed, I blush, my heartbeat changes, and I dare not speak.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and gently stroked his small faces, his mouth couldn't help but a touch of pampering.

His eyes seemed to be staring, but Yu Guang always glanced at Ji Anning, her nightdress, only a little bit under her hips, and her slender legs, directly broke into him. Sight.

The body is getting hotter and hotter.

He reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it hard.

Ji Anning thought he had drunk too much, and was panicked, so calmly picked up the water glass and poured a glass of water over.

"Uncle, have a glass of water."

Holding the water cup in both hands, he lowered it in front of Ji Chicheng.

Whispering softly, Ji Chicheng's throat was tight again, and he was in urgent need of moisturizing. He stretched out his hand to take the cup of Ji Anning's hand. It was warm water. He raised his head and drank a few mouthfuls.

Then he handed the empty water glass to Ji Anning.


When Ji Anning turned to put the water cup, there were shouts from behind.

The little girl squinted her eyes, not sober, and muttered again, "Mommy." ’

Before Ji Anning passed, Ji Chicheng stretched out and held her little hand, bowed his head and gently kissed the back of her hand, then touched her little face, and said softly, "Here is Dad."

She chanted "Daddy" again and again. She was really sleepy and her eyelids sank again.

But the little hand tightly grasped a finger of Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng leaned into her ear and asked softly, "Will you go to Dad's place to sleep?"

"I want mommy." The little girl said to mommy, but she turned around and hugged Ji Chicheng's arms, closed her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted.

Ji Chicheng slowly lay down, lying beside them.

Ji Anning gently put down the cup and looked at the father and daughter lying quietly on the bed. The awkward atmosphere gradually turned into a warm atmosphere.

The man's eyes seemed to be a little bit still.

For a long time, until Ji Anning's legs were numb, she lifted her foot, walked over gently, bent slightly, stretched her head to look at Ji Chicheng, he closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

Fell asleep?

Under the dim light, Ji Chicheng's thick eyelashes cast shadows, his lips pressed slightly, and the outline of the entire face was exceptionally soft.

Listening to his even breathing, her heart was very soft and soft, and she stretched out her hand to gently pull the quilt and cover him.

The fingertips inadvertently swept across the man's chin, and her hand trembled slightly. When she was about to retract, the man suddenly reached out and clasped her wrist.

The warm and soft palms held her soft, boneless hands in them.

For a moment, Ji Anning almost didn't control her heart, and rushed towards the man's tall body. She held her breath and opened her mouth to look at the man who suddenly woke up.

Looking at him with a pair of bottomless black eyes.

Ji Chicheng's throat tightened, his eyes were scorching looking at the spring light exposed by Ji Anning because of his bending, the fire of desire burning in his body.

"what are you doing?"

Trying to restrain the desire, he asked coldly, then let go of her hand.

Lift the quilt and get out of bed.

"Go to sleep."

A faint hello to Ji Anning, Ji Chicheng's tall body, with a fiery wind, walked past Ji Anning.

Go faster and faster.

When he walked to the door of the room, he reached out and grabbed the doorknob, but the action suddenly stopped.