So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 576: His temperature (1)

The agent leader fell in love with the female special forces. The whole part of the story is how the agent leader teases his sister. The second half is to see how they show affection and abuse the dog and abuse her... Single dog.

It should be considered a broken love.

After taking a sip of water, Ji Anning thought depressed.

"I love you, if I am going to die next second, I hope to keep kissing you like this."

"Me too, if I am going to die, I must die in your arms."

Because the profession of the hero and the heroine involves more or less fighting, life and death, the hero and heroine hold an optimistic attitude towards death.

But Ji Anning heard such lines and couldn't help but vomit, "This line is really too LOW. Domestic idol dramas started to use it many years ago, and it was really bad luck to say dead just when we were together."

Looking at the screen again, the hostess embraced and kissed fiercely, because they were excited and passionate after they had just completed the mission and escaped, so they were still in the mission site, an old underground warehouse.

The two hugged each other and rolled around on the ground, one by one disappearing.

The scale of foreign movies is usually larger than that in China. The heroine is stripped naked, and the hero's face is buried between the heroine's breasts. The image is passionate and breathless.

Every sound makes people excited.

Ji Anning watched the TV without blinking, with a dazed expression, or maybe... yearning.

Anyway, she kept her mouth open for a long time and swallowed several times.



Suddenly, an exaggerated woman laughter came from behind... Ji Mingyue.

Ji Anning was startled and turned around. Ji Mingyue stood behind her, clutching her stomach and laughing out of breath. She frowned, "What's so funny? Isn't it just rolling the sheets? Haven't you seen it. "

When did this woman stand here? Why doesn't she feel at all?

At this moment, another figure came in at the door, tall and deep.

Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue looked at at the same time, the man put his hands in his trousers, his shirt and a button on his collar were unbuttoned, he entered the door and took off his shoes without slippers, and walked directly to the sofa with his bare feet. .

The pace was sloppy, a pair of nice peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, looking drunk and hazy.

He drank again, and he drank a lot.

Ji Anning was sourly guessing who Ji Chicheng was drinking with tonight, and Ji Mingyue's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Ji Chicheng, you are too persuaded. She is so hungry that she can watch this kind of film at home. How bad are you."

Ji Mingyue laughed again as she spoke, she covered her belly with one hand and pointed at the TV screen with the other.

Just now Ji Anning still had some little rascals. Ji Chicheng was there now. She was embarrassed. She glanced at Ji Chicheng awkwardly, and told him with pure and innocent eyes that she was pure.

"Oh... it's so deep, baby, you're great."

Suddenly, such a line came from the male lead on the TV.

Ji Anning is completely petrified!

She stared at Ji Chicheng blankly, but Ji Chicheng's gaze slowly moved to the TV screen.

Ji Anning followed his line of sight and also looked at the TV screen. The men and women on the screen were naked, and their bodies were on the ground. Unlike restricted movies, they couldn't see any points.

Her small face was hot like a fire, and she was shocked. She quickly reached out and touched the remote control and turned off the TV. "This is a story about a spy leader falling in love with a female special soldier."