So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 575: His new life (6)

Then stick the phone to the other ear, "Lori, is it convenient for Mr. Char to answer the phone now?"

"I'm Char."

Before Ji Anning's words fell, Char's voice came through the receiver.

His tone was not as cold as when she left yesterday, and he returned to his usual maturity and lowness.

"Mr. Char, I..." Ji Anning pursed her lips, really finding it hard to speak.

Ji Mingyue poked her anxiously, urging her to speak quickly.

"What?" Char also asked suspiciously over there.

"That's right, my sister-in-law, it's not... the aunts who were in succession, or the one with me yesterday."

Ji Anning sluggishly did not focus on the point.

Ji Mingyue died of anxiety on the side.

Charl answered her patiently over there, "I know, Miss Four."

"Yes." Ji Anning nodded, and under Ji Mingyue's constant urging, she explained the purpose of her call in one breath: "She is the location host of your L City Food Channel, and wants to be you Interview."

"Do I have anything to do with food?"

Char threw a doubt, Ji Anning smirked, "Yes... it's nothing..."


Before the last two words were spoken, Char suddenly started to **** her voice again, "But since you speak, I think I need to give you this face, but this interview has to come to my house."

Before Ji Anning had time to be surprised, Char actually agreed, and so readily agreed, Ji Mingyue snatched her mobile phone and communicated with Char personally.

"Yes, yes Mr. Char."

She smiled flatteringly.

Ji Anning was speechless. She should have recorded her talking with Char yesterday. It seems that she was embarrassed to interview others.

The phone was called, and Char agreed.

But Ji Anning regretted it very much, feeling that she had done too little consideration for this matter, not just because she wanted to leave Char.

It's even more because of the grievances between Char and Ji Zhengdao that she didn't know.

Thinking of this, it's not surprising that Char agreed to accept Ji Mingyue's interview. He was ambitious to let his younger brother follow his surname Char, so how could he let Ji Mingyue take the initiative to send it to the door.

Ji Anning was lying on the bed, tossing about and unable to sleep.

She wondered if she should stop Ji Mingyue from having contact with Char again.

The more she thought about it, the more difficult it was to fall asleep. She simply sat up and looked at the sleeping little person next to her. She relaxed again and got out of bed cautiously.

He picked up the water glass on the bedside table and left the room, habitually glanced at the opposite room, the door closed tightly.

She was alone at home for dinner tonight, and neither Ji Chicheng nor Ji Mingyue came back.

When she brought them into the room to sleep at around nine o'clock, they hadn't come back. She was lying on the bed till now. She has not fallen asleep or heard anything outside, so he probably hasn't come back yet.

It should be a date. After all, I just fell in love and are in love.

Ji Anning pressed the corners of her mouth tightly, thinking sourly, with no energy at all.

Auntie was already asleep, and only the light strip was on in the living room, and the lights were dim. Ji Anning poured a glass of water and sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and flipped.

No show can raise her interest, and eventually stays on a midnight movie channel.

I thought it was a movie featuring secret agents, but I didn't expect it to be a romance.