So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 574: His new life (5)

How can there be such a schizophrenic in this world?

Thinking, she frowned, and whispered back: "He never accepts any interviews."

As if she knew Char well.

The man on the opposite side moved his slightly drooping eyes and his face became a little cold.

Ji Mingyue nodded, "I know this, so I asked you to recommend it to me."

Speaking immediately, he started to imagine with excitement, "Think about it, he never accepts interviews. If he accepts my interviews, then I will become famous in this industry."

Ji Anning looked at Ji Mingyue speechlessly, and suddenly felt very tired.

She simply said it a little more resolutely, and refused her directly, "I actually don't know him well, and I can barely know him, so I can't help with this. Sister, you should give up this idea."

Ji Mingyue has a dark face, "Ji Anning, you don't want to help me if you don't want to help me. If you are unfamiliar or unfamiliar, would someone like him hug An'an? If you are unfamiliar, why would someone like him eat with you? "

As she said, she pouted angrily, "I've inquired about it. You and him met in L city. If you say that if he thinks about you, then forget it. I'm not that Fame and fortune-minded people."

Isn't that enough?

If she disagrees now, it proves that Char has bad thoughts about her, and if she agrees, she will contact Char again.

By the way, doesn't her own brother hate Char, he certainly won't agree to interview Char.

Ji Anning thought, eyes lit up, wanting to see what Ji Chicheng's face and attitude is now.

"One after another, Dad goes to work, see you tonight."

Just as Ji Anning was about to look over, Ji Chicheng just got up, he smiled and greeted them, then turned and left.

I didn't even look at her.

Suddenly, Ji Anning felt aggrieved. With a rush of brains, she agreed to Ji Mingyue loudly, "Okay, I called Mr. Char today to help you ask, but I can't guarantee that he will agree."

"Ji Anning, you are still the cutest." Ji Mingyue was very happy, gave Ji Anning a hug, then hooked her neck, boldly letting go of her, "Don't worry, if it succeeds, I will allow you to call My aunt, your niece and daughter-in-law have been upgraded to sister-in-law with me."

After speaking, she thought in her heart: Anyway, the child is born and the appearance of liking each other again, she can't stop her.

Ji Anning: "..."

The niece's daughter-in-law is upgraded to the sister-in-law. Is this an upgrade of family status or a pure upgrade of seniority?

So cheap! ! !

I have never seen such a cheap sister and a cheap aunt.

In fact, after agreeing, she regretted it, but if she said anything, splashed out the water, especially for the poisonous tongue like Ji Mingyue, if she regretted it, she would probably be drowned by her spitting star.

After dinner, Ji Mingyue kept urging Ji Anning to call Char and fight in front of her.

Ji Anning couldn't stand her entanglement and dialed Char's number.

Hearing the sound of the connection, Ji Anning felt very complicated, and regretted more and more that she had agreed to Ji Mingyue on the impulse.

"Hello Miss Anning."

Char's side answered, and there was a woman's voice. Ji Anning was familiar with this voice. It was Char's secretary. She glanced at Ji Mingyue who was next to her.