So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 573: His new life (4)

handed it to the police, "This is my niece and daughter-in-law, who came here on business."

Hearing the words niece and daughter-in-law, Ji Anning's eyes were sore, and the circles under her eyes turned red.

He used to hate others connecting her with Ji Jingfeng. He had to separate her from Ji Jingfeng for breakfast, but now he introduces her to others so calmly that she is his nephew.

why? Why does she seem to be unable to accept this fact now?

On the way back, Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng were both sitting in the back seat, but they were next to the left door and the other to the right door.

Along the way, they didn't have any communication.

The car stopped in the yard. Ji Anning first opened the door and jumped out of the car. After getting out of the car, she did not immediately leave. She stood there, wrapped her clothes tightly, and waited for Ji Chicheng to get off the car.


Ji Chicheng got out of the car and slammed the door violently, obviously emotional.

Then he lifted his foot into the house.

Ji Anning was very nervous, and hurried to follow, "Uncle, I don't know that foreign man, and the person who fought with him is not me."

After listening to her explanation, Ji Chicheng stopped and turned to look at her coldly and said: "You don't need to explain to me, I saved you for the sake of a lot of people, so you can do it yourself in the future."

After speaking, he withdrew his gaze indifferently and continued to walk into the house.

His figure is still that tall, but he is no longer enthusiastic for her. Ji Anning stayed on the spot. It took a long time before she nodded at Ji Chicheng's disappeared figure, "Okay."


Early the next morning, at the table, Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue sat in a row, sitting between them one after another.

Ji Chicheng sat on the opposite side, interacting with each other from time to time.

Ji Anning had just spread the bread sauce and was about to eat it, Ji Mingyue suddenly came to her ear and asked gossiping: "How did you meet Yuesen Char yesterday?"

Ji Anning stopped eating the bread, and instinctively raised his eyelids and looked at Ji Chicheng opposite. He lowered his head, while eating slowly while reading the newspapers placed beside him, he didn't notice them at all.

She retracted her gaze and answered Ji Mingyue perfunctorily, "I did something with him before."

Then she opened her mouth, took a bite of the bread, and drank the milk again.

"I think he seems to like it very much. How did you get in touch with someone like him?"

Ji Mingyue was full of doubts about why Char and Ji Anning knew Char.

"I encountered it by chance, but I can't say a word or two." Ji Anning's answer was still perfunctory.

After speaking, she glanced at Ji Chicheng again with a guilty conscience.

Ji Chicheng still didn't show anything, as if he hadn't heard what she and Ji Mingyue were talking about.

Ji Mingyue nodded, did not ask anything, took a sip of milk, and shook her head again, "Tsk, tusk, that old man, besides being arrogant, there is nothing special about it."

Can you see the difference in a moment?

Ji Anning had just complained about Miss Fourth’s logic in her heart. Miss Fourth suddenly came to her side and raised her eyebrows at her with a smile, “I’m here to interview an important leader in N city, and I will return to L city next week. , Can you introduce me to an interview with that mysterious old man."

Ji Anning: "..."

She really has enough skin. Yesterday, she could not wait to see people with her nostrils and play big cards with them. Now she wants to invite people to be her interview guests.