So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 565: Face-to-face with Char (1)

Only Ji Mingyue would think that he did not look like a good kind.

It's better to pull her away and plug her mouth, lest her misfortunes come out of her mouth, Ji Anning thought, grabbed Ji Mingyue's arm, dragged her behind her, and then talked to Char with a slight smile. Mr. Char, I'm going to visit you another day, I'm afraid I won't be free today."

Speaking of her reaching out to hug each other, Char raised her hand, grabbed one of the small hands, and smiled and said, "It happens to be dinner time. I will invite you and Miss Si to have a meal.

Just as Ji Anning was about to refuse, Ji Mingyue's voice rushed ahead of her and agreed, "Okay."

She readily agreed, tilting her chin slightly, with a sly sneer at the corner of her mouth, it was obvious that she was calculating something.

Even she can see it, how can the smart Charr fail to see it? Ji Anning thinks that Ji Mingyue is really a headache. She originally wanted to use her as an excuse.

Charl greeted Ji Mingyue's sly smile, and said faintly: "The fourth lady is really a refreshing person, very different from your father."

Ji Mingyue did not hear what Char really meant, thinking that he was still getting acquainted with her, and rolled his eyes at him disdainfully, "It seems like you are very familiar with my dad, and it bothers you the most. People who mess up the relationship."

Ji Anning was completely speechless.

She couldn't find a reason to refuse to have dinner with Char, unless she refused, but it would surely anger Char, and the consequences would be disastrous.

After measuring for a long time, I gave up.

The restaurant was selected by Yuki Mingyue. After hearing the name of the restaurant, Ji Anning understood why she was smiling so slyly.

It turned out that she wanted to give Zachar a vicious meal to make him ashamed.

She chose one of the most high-end restaurants in N City, and a slightly decent meal is worth seven figures. It is also the top restaurant in the world for restaurant consumption.

She really regarded Char as a small businessman who wanted to hold their Ji family's thighs and do some small business.

When Charles heard the name of the hotel that Ji Mingyue said, he laughed.

He was also very young when he laughed. The hearty laughter was very magnetic, "Miss Fourth is very cute."

Ji Mingyue stuck out her tongue at him disgustingly, and then she leaned into Ji Anning's ear and asked, "How did you know this old man?"

Ji Anning didn't leave her, walked over and took them away from Char, and walked to Char's car.

She had seen an extended Lincoln parked on the side of the road a long time ago. Char likes Lincoln. He has a Kendo model. His favorite is this extension.

So be sure that the car belongs to Char.

After all, it is the most high-end restaurant in the world. Those who come to eat here are rich and powerful. In order to prevent criminals from getting in, the security check at the door is comparable to flying.

There are also requirements for dressing, too casual to not let in.

Seeing the person in front pass the security check, Ji Anning was also preparing to hand over the bag to the security check, but when she reached the security checkpoint, the security checker politely nodded to her and signaled her to pass directly.

Of course, the subsequent Ji Mingyue and Char are the same, without going through security checks.

Ji Anning was surprised, she immediately thought of Char, she turned her head, but met Ji Mingyue's proud smile.

How? Is it her credit?

Ji Mingyue puts her arms around her chest, twists her slender waist, full of confidence, "With me, do you still use security?"