So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 566: Face-to-face with Char (2)

Is it really her credit? Ji Anning guessed, and glanced at Char who was next to Ji Mingyue inadvertently, his old handsome face had a subtle smile.

Ji Anning immediately understood, she narrowed her mouth, and cast a silent look at Ji Mingyue.

In the past at Ji's house, they thought that she was ashamed of Ji's family, but now she feels ashamed to go out with her.

Within two steps of the door, a beautiful waiter greeted them and led them to the box.

The dishes were all ordered by Ji Mingyue, and he ordered almost the entire menu. Ji Anning chose to ignore her childish behavior and sat on the side playing mobile games.

After a while, the waiter came over and asked them if they were going to serve food.

"Wait a second." Charr replied to the waiter, then looked at Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue and said: "You are both here, so I called the little handsome guy by the way."

Little handsome guy?

Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue both expressed doubts about the term ‘little handsome guy’, Charl explained with a smile: “Daddys in succession.”


Ji Anning stared, "Mr. Char, when did you call it?"

After asking, before Char could answer, the door of the box suddenly opened, and the cold-faced man walked in with a cold aura, making Ji Anning fearful.

She watched Ji Chicheng walk to her side nervously.


After shouting, Ji Chicheng ignored her. He stood next to her, and the waiter immediately came to help him pull the chair away, and he bent down and sat down.

Sitting on Ji Anning’s lap, one after another began to give up mobile games and crawl on Ji Chicheng, "Daddy...Daddy."

Ji Chicheng reached out and hugged her.

The little girl stood on his lap, with her arms around his neck, and kissed and kissed him on his face, which was extremely intimate.

Watching this scene, Charl smiled meaningfully on the other side.

Ji Anning looked over, her heart trembled, and quickly opened his mouth to distract him, "It's time to serve food."

Char nodded, winking at the waiter.

The dishes come up one by one, not fast or slow.

"Little handsome guy, let's have two glasses." Char picked up the glass and said to Ji Chicheng.

He always smiled slightly at Ji Chicheng, his dark blue eyes always ignored Ji Chicheng's handsome face, but Ji Chicheng looked at him with hostility.

Li didn't want to talk to him, let alone drink with him.

"Could it be that you can't drink enough?" With the hand holding the wine glass, Char's arm was placed on the table, and he raised his eyebrows at Ji Chicheng contemptuously, and then said earnestly: "But nowadays young people have a bad lifestyle. Most of the body is not as good as the elderly."

This is obviously a very low-level aggressive general technique, even Ji Anning dismissed it, but Ji Chicheng held up the wine glass like a grudge, and sneered at Char, "Mr. Char's IQ is nothing but that."

As he said, he pressed the wine glass to his lips, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

Charl then drank the wine in the glass.

"Okay, Chi Cheng, you drink with him."

The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger, Ji Anning is looking to resolve the conflict, but unexpectedly there is another fan.

Ji Mingyue applauded Ji Chicheng from the side and encouraged him to fight for drinks with Char.

Ji Anning helped her, she had never seen such a sister.

However, it was also the first time that she saw Ji Chicheng so irrational. He never cared what others thought of him, and didn't care what others said about him. The proud ones could only see the sky.