So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 564: Ji Mingyue's visit (5)

Ji Anning shook his head and denied, "No, I don't."

If someone like Char came hard, it was like the Egg King smashed on the stone, and it was simply vulnerable.

"Niannian, don't let me down." Charl looked at Ji Anning coldly, tantamount to warning her.

"Have you met someone you know?"

Ji Anning opened her mouth to continue begging Char, when Ji Mingyue's voice suddenly came from behind, and she looked up at Char nervously.

Fear that Char would tell them about their two-month appointment.

"Aunt." Seeing Ji Mingyue one after another, they stretched out their hands to Ji Mingyue anxiously and asked Ji Mingyue to hug her.

Ji Mingyue walked to Ji Anning's side. She was holding ice cream in both hands. She couldn't free her hands to hug. She frowned and looked at Char, then turned to ask Ji Anning, "Who is this person?"

Without waiting for Ji Anning's answer, Char smiled slightly, "Miss Ji Si?"

He stared at Ji Mingyue's face, and his eyes flashed with blue light, with a bit of inquiry.

"I am." Ji Mingyue straightened her waist and nodded, with a strong sense of superiority.

Speaking of his gaze, he looked at Char a little, and then said: "I don't participate in the politics of our Ji family. If you want to hug your thigh, it is better to hug the thigh of our fifth child. He is in country M, and the father spoils him.

When she is abroad, she really often meets Ji's overseas partners in various activities, and it is not a few that flatter her.

"I... will definitely go to the young master." Char nodded, staring at Ji Mingyue's face, and the curved lips always made Ji Anning feel a bitter chill.

She didn't know why Char kept staring at Ji Mingyue's face.

Could it be that he wanted to take revenge on Ji Mingyue for the hatred between him and grandpa?

Ji Anning thought, she couldn't help getting scared, she reached out and grabbed Ji Mingyue's arm, and pulled her in front of her.

Ji Mingyue leaned in her ear and asked in a low voice, "Who is this person? Are you familiar with him?"

"I..." Ji Anning hesitated, not knowing how to explain her relationship with Char.

If she hadn’t hesitated to answer before living in Ji Chicheng’s house, she was Char’s wife and they were married.

But now, she can't tell this kind of lie, and she can't tell it anymore.

Ji Mingyue was impatient. Seeing that Ji Anning hadn't said anything for a long time, she frowned impatiently, "What are you, why do you let him hug him by yourself?"

As she said, she glanced at Char, and continued to whisper in Xuxu's ear: "This man looks well-dressed, but he doesn't look like a good kind."

Ji Anning: "..."

I really want to find a piece of tape to seal her mouth. Did she think Char could not understand Chinese or something?

She was worried that Char would get angry because of Ji Mingyue's words, but Charl smiled and said, "Miss Si, you are more beautiful than I thought."

He looked at Ji Mingyue with deep blue eyes and smiled very friendly.

'Humph! Ji Mingyue snorted proudly, staring at Char with disdain, "But I am not interested in older men."

Ji Anning is speechless, Charr is almost twenty years older than her, okay? How could she see that people are interested in her.

But Char said he was almost fifty years old, but he really couldn't tell from his appearance alone. He looked like he was about forty years old, especially his noble temperament, which set him off even more extraordinary.