So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 563: Ji Mingyue's visit (4)

Ji Anning looked so happy, so excited, unspeakable sorrow and guilt.

When I was in country Y, they had never been to such a place before, and had never been in contact with so many children.

That's why she seemed to have entered another world, a world she had never reached before.

"One after another, I will take you to the little train."

On such occasions, Ji Mingyue was still innocent, leading them to try various amusement facilities together.

Ji Anning followed them, carrying a large bag full of supplies.

I spend an afternoon with my children. I don’t think it’s too long, but it’s too short because it’s too joyful and relaxing.

The little girl was sweating madly. When she went out, she met a dessert station and she insisted on eating ice cream. It was too cold. Ji Anning didn’t want her to eat it, but Ji Mingyue couldn’t stand the little girl. Acting like a baby, went to line up for her to buy.

Ji Anning led the team and waited for Ji Mingyue beside the team.

Suddenly, a balloon flew past them, and their attention was attracted by the balloon and ran after the balloon.

Ji Anning closely followed her footsteps, watching her twisted route, her body swayed, Ji Anning was afraid that she might fall.

"One after another."

A familiar mature man's voice suddenly heard in front of him. Ji Anning was startled, her face pale for a moment, she raised her head and looked over.

The middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes walked towards her and one after another gracefully, a pair of dark blue eyes staring at them full of love.

"Char." They stopped and looked up at Charles.

Seeing Char approaching, Ji Anning reacted and stepped to the front of them, bending over to hug her.

Then she smiled and greeted Char, "Mr. Char."

Char also nodded and smiled at her, his gaze returned to Dian's body. He stretched out his hand and gently squeezed the small faces, "Have you missed Mr. Char?"

"Yes." The little girl nodded first, then shook her head again, "I don't want to."

Her thoughts were not on the sudden Charr, but on the balloon she wanted to chase just now.

Char frowned unhappy.

And his displeasure really came from the heart, causing Ji Anning to chill and tighten his arms in fright.

"Chal hug, okay?" Char stretched out his hands, wanting to hug one after another.

Ji Anning was thinking about finding an excuse not to let him hold, so they suddenly turned their heads and drilled into her arms.

"No, Mommy hugs."

The little girl directly rejected Char, and Char's face changed again. He stretched out his hand and forcibly took them from Ji Anning's hands. Then he looked down and coaxed her: "Char Bring you home, back to the little kingdom of Xuan Charr, and build you a play castle."

"No." They shook their heads, uneasy in Char's embrace, and stretched out their hands towards Ji Anning, "Mummy... Mummy..."

Ji Anning stretched out his hand and wanted to hug her distressedly, but Char's face sank at her, staring at her with cold eyes.

She was so frightened that her hands trembled, not daring to be reckless, she retracted her hands and looked at him pleadingly, "Mr. Char, they are still young, she doesn't know what."

Char no longer looked at her gently as before, his eyes were cold, and his voice was the same, "Two months, less than a month is left, don't you want to take them back?"