So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 560: Ji Mingyue's visit (1)

If you know it, you will know. If you want to get angry, you will get angry. If you want to blame, you will blame. Why do you want to say such sarcastic things?

In the restaurant, the atmosphere is quiet and weird, and even one after another seems to have noticed something wrong, biting their fingers and daring not to make a sound.

She looked at Ji Mingyue with big watery eyes, and her visible eyes were full of doubts.

Who is this expressive woman?

Really annoying, stopping her and her mummy, amazed not to let people eat?

Ji Mingyue also frowned and looked at her, and asked fiercely: "What are you doing looking at me?"

Suddenly, the little girl was taken aback, but she didn't cry either, she made a proud hum, her eyes still staring at Ji Mingyue.

"What are you doing looking at me?" Ji Mingyue raised her voice, "Are you also entangled in calling my aunt or grandma or my aunt?"

After asking, she sneered again, "Oh, call grandma, I want to be grandma like this for the first time."

Obviously, she was talking angry.

But the little girl nodded obediently, "Grandma!"

Her speech was unclear, and it was a bit embarrassing to shout three words, and she usually wouldn't embarrass herself, so she called ‘grandma’ directly.

Ji Anning: "..."

Ji Chicheng: "..."

The corners of Ji Mingyue's mouth twitched, and she reached out her hand and knocked on the little heads in angrily, "You little thing is as annoying as your dad."

Seeing the little girl's face that looked a lot like Ji Chicheng, she couldn't help but spoil her.

However, her brother and niece and daughter-in-law are so **** and corrupt for the family. She still finds it difficult to accept for a while. She looks at Ji Anning again and cynicly says: "Ji Anning, you can really do it. This is ambitious and promising. Seduce our favorite youngest in the family."

This kind of relationship between them was originally disgraceful. Ji Mingyue would be angry. It was normal to say a few words to her and scold her a few words. These were things she had expected to bear, so she did not feel wronged.

Ji Anning lowered his head and said nothing.

Ji Mingyue said again: "The old man still doesn't know about this. If he knows, he can't be in the world now. Maybe he would have died on Huangquan Road."

Ji Anning: "..."

He is really the boss of the poison tongue world, and he doesn't say anything to his own father.

If she told her now, the old man would have known it, would it slap her in the face?

So... keep silent, let her vent.

"Oh, you guys are talking, why are you not talking?"

I kept saying here alone that no one responded to her. Ji Mingyue was dissatisfied again. She looked at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng.

"You have picked up such a niece for nothing, so you are so sullen?"

Ji Chicheng finally spoke. He raised his eyebrows at Ji Mingyue, then put down the cup and fork in his hand, got up and walked towards Ji Anning.

His eyes were staring at him, "Daddy will take you to drink milk."

He walked up to Ji Anning, reached out and took them away.

Without even looking at Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue, Ji Mingyue raised her heels behind him, "I won't agree to anything except this kid calling me grandma."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded softly.

Ji Mingyue was about to die of anger. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she stared at Ji Anning, "The children are all this old. You were together two years ago, right?"

Ji Anning: "..."

Does this... need to ask?