So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 561: Ji Mingyue's visit (2)

Silence is the default, and Ji Mingyue looks at Ji Chicheng angrily, "No wonder I beat you, he protects you so much."

She didn't mention it, but Ji Anning had forgotten that she once slapped Ji Chicheng because she offended her.

"Ji Chicheng, I didn't think you were such a Ji Chicheng." Ji Mingyue looked at Ji Chicheng sadly, and told him to go through the old accounts, "Even if you like her, I'm still your sister. I was just fighting for you. Her."

Ji Anning was speechless.

Is it time to be jealous? Isn't it time for them to hold a controversy to criticize their immoral relationship?

"If the fourth sister has been so noisy, don't live with me anymore, it will disturb her rest and affect her growth." Ji Chicheng embraced one hand, and fed and drank milk with a bottle in the other.

Show full of paternal love.

Seeing that picture, Ji Mingyue felt very awkward, so she didn't get angry and asked, "What are you two going to do in the future?"

"I am me, she is her, and there are none." Ji Chicheng raised his head and explained to Ji Mingyue seriously and solemnly.

Ji Anning was very sad when he heard this.

‘That day he was drunk and went to me. That was the second time I saw him cry. ’

Qi Helian's words echoed in her ears last night, and she couldn't help but feel sore eyes.

The only thing that can comfort me is that this is the result she has always wanted, making him forget her and give up on her.

Now it's finally realized, shouldn't you be happy?

In the near future, she will be able to leave one after another, and he and others will rebuild a happy and beautiful family.

It's okay if you don't want to, the more you think about it, the more you panic, why are people so cheap?

Obviously violated the ethics and morality, and obviously wanted to sever the relationship, and now it is really broken, to be completely broken, but not reconciled.

"Sister, you continue to eat breakfast, I just sent them downstairs to drink milk, I will go upstairs first."

Ji Anning suppressed his emotions and smiled at Ji Mingyue.

Then she turned around and left the restaurant without looking back. She needed to adjust her mentality, which was wrong.

All morning, they didn't go upstairs again, and Ji Anning never left the room.

And the white car in the yard has not been moved. Ji Mingyue hasn't left yet. I don't know what the situation is now downstairs.

After another sleep, I found that the more I slept, the less energetic I was. After sitting on the balcony for a while, I began to yawn, and I couldn't see a word in the book in my hand.

Thoughts can't help but fly out.

The sound of opening the door suddenly came from behind, and she turned and looked over.

Ji Mingyue came in in a hug, she quickly got up to meet her.

Ji Mingyue didn't give Ji Anning a good face, and looked at her coldly and said, "Ji Chicheng is out, you take the child, and I will go out too."

As she said, she bent down and put them down one after another, pushing in front of Ji Anning.

Ji Anning nodded, "Okay."

Ji Mingyue didn't speak any more, turned and left. Seeing her leaving, they followed up and shouted, "Aunty...Grandma."

Ji Anning frowned.

How awkward she was when she heard this title, it was really messy to call her aunt and grandma because she was obviously the son of her own brother.

Logically speaking, she is not related to her by blood, but is just a niece and daughter-in-law who has not been through the door, so she should call her aunt.

However, Miss Ji had a big opinion of her at the moment, and she was still angry at her niece and daughter-in-law who seduce her brother. She still shouldn't provoke her. How can she be happy?