So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 559: Relationship relaxation (10)

I ran into the aunt, and the aunt frowned at her behavior, "Miss Anning, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Anning didn't dare to speak out, and winked at her aunt vigorously.

However, it was too late.

A familiar woman's voice came from the restaurant, "Ji Anning?"

Surprised and suspicious in his tone!

"..." Ji Anning frowned, had to stop, secretly cast a reproachful look at the aunt, then bit the bullet and turned around, looked at the woman in the restaurant who was looking at her with surprise, and smiled slightly, "Sister-in-law. ."

Very nervous and embarrassed.

It turned out that the woman sitting on the sofa was not from Korea, but Ji Mingyue.

Thinking, she was even more embarrassed, she was depressed in the room for a long time, spit out for a long time, despised for a long time, it turned out to be a joke.

She finally understood why she was going downstairs when she got up in the morning and why Ji Chicheng had to say that to her.

‘If you think about it, go on. ’

Since I reminded her, I simply told her that Ji Mingyue is here, so it's fine.

He clearly did it on purpose, deliberately not telling her, so that she was caught off guard as she is now, so embarrassed.

Anyway, he was not afraid that others would know the relationship between them.

"Why are you here?" Ji Anning walked up to Ji Anning, looked suspiciously at what she was holding in her hands, and then nodded clearly, "So those gossips are true?"

Ji Anning was not given a chance to speak at all. She immediately pointed out her fingers at Ji Anning heartbroken, and then turned to point to Ji Chicheng, " two are really fooling around. Do you know what your relationship is?"

Ji Anning hurriedly shook her head and denied, "We are nothing, sister, don't get me wrong."

Well, she would open her eyes and talk nonsense now.

She almost caught the manifestation, she was still quibbling.

When Ji Anning finished speaking, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Ji Mingyue.

"Yes, Sister Si, you think too much. She and I are... just an ex-uncle and nephew."

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng spoke, his sluggish tone, with a hint of mocking smile.

Ji Anning looked over, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. She pouted, feeling a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't control it.

Ex-uncle-nephew relationship... This relationship sounds really new, he can really make words.


The two of them tried their best to separate their relationship, but they forgot that there was another child. Soon after Ji Chicheng's voice fell, they suddenly looked at him, yelling "Dad" in a crisp voice.

"Dad?" Ji Mingyue looked at Ji Chicheng again, raising an eyebrow at him.

Means to let him explain.

Ji Chicheng ignored her, holding a fork in one hand and milk in the other, while eating and drinking, his movements were as elegant as ever.


Suddenly they looked at Ji Anning again, but her fleshy little hands pointed at Ji Chicheng. The meaning was very simple, she was going to her father to eat delicious food.

"Mummy." Ji Mingyue glanced at Ji Anning, then at Ji Chicheng, "Dad."

She sneered, "Oh, you are okay, it's just a pure ex-uncle and nephew relationship, so this child is a common prize you drew for time-consuming talking, and he looks like Ji Chicheng."

Ji Anning frowned and looked at Ji Mingyue speechlessly. She hadn't seen each other for two years. She was still as venomous as before... annoying.