So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 558: Relationship relaxation (9)

She didn't leave the room again, took the book, and sat on the balcony, but she didn't want to read the book, focusing on the white luxury car parked in the yard.

The red BMW I drove yesterday was changed to white again today. Changing a car a day shows that she has money?


Ji Anning was maligning and woke up one after another, calling her in the room.


In response, she quickly retracted her thoughts, her eyes, closed the book she was holding, and got up and entered the room.

They all sat on the bed, rubbing their eyes, and looked sleepy.

Ji Anning walked over, bent over to pick her up, and walked to the bathroom, "Go to the bathroom, then brush your teeth."

Men are all the same. Seeing sex, they don’t even want their children. She went to the restaurant last night and took them away. When she came back, she was unaware of sleep. Why didn’t he put them in their own room to sleep? Why do you want to put her room?

After sitting on the toilet and peeing one after another, Ji Anning looked at her, but couldn't help but complain about Ji Chicheng.

She didn't eat breakfast herself, and she was fine when she was hungry, but she couldn't let them hungry with her, so she had to go downstairs.

After washing them up, Ji Anning hugged her and went downstairs. She changed into pajamas of the same style as her, big pink flowers.

She herself had just taken a shower and put on some skin care products, her cheeks were soft and moisturized, her hair was loose, and she was together, saying that she was a mother and daughter, but more like sisters.

When he reached the top of the stairs, Ji Anning glanced around the huge living room. The TV in the living room was turned off, and the woman was not seen on the sofa.

She kept turning her head, looked at the closed door of Ji Chicheng's room, and curled her lips.

I thought it would be better for them to hide in the room, and it would be more comfortable for her to eat breakfast with the two of them.

"Miss Anning, you are up."

When I went downstairs, I ran into my aunt coming out of the dining room. His old man was wearing an apron and greeted her with a smile.

Ji Anning gave her an unconcerned smile, "Morning, Auntie."

"Morning." The aunt nodded, her gaze shifted to Dian's body again, her smile couldn't help but a little more pampering, "One after another, drinking milk."

They nodded, "Drink."

Ji Anning glanced at the restaurant entrance, and then asked her aunt, "Is Mr. Ji in the restaurant?"

The aunt nodded, "Here, he wants to let them sleep a little longer, so he didn't ask you to eat."

"Heh!" Ji Anning sneered, and the laughter was full of sourness.

Who knows if he wants to let them sleep a little longer, or if he wants to be with others.


Why is she so sour? Why are you so careful?

She left him cruelly, wouldn't he not allow him to find another person?

People... Sure enough, they are all cheap bones, I can't afford it, I don't want it, and he has been tortured all over his body. Now he can accept it with some difficulty, and her heart is not happy.

Ji Anning curled her lips mockingly, adjusted her mentality, hugged them, and walked into the restaurant.

"You are very quiet here and the environment is very good. It is very suitable for me to find inspiration. I have decided. I will live here during my time in N City."

Just as Ji Anning reached the door of the restaurant, a familiar woman's voice came from inside.

She was startled, her footsteps were also startled, her eyes turned pale for a moment, and when she reacted, she quickly turned around and prepared to escape.