So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 548: Be jealous (19)

But she still suffered a bit, and she almost choked her to death after drinking a few guts of water in the bathtub.

"Little... Uncle..."

Desire to survive, Ji Anning pushed Ji Chicheng vigorously in the water, the tap was still running, and the water was rushing.

It took a lot of energy to finally crawl away from under Ji Chicheng.

She turned and leaned against the end of the bathtub. It took a lot of effort just now, and now she is released again.

Put your hands on the edge of the bathtub, gasping for breath.

After a few breaths, she suddenly remembered Ji Chicheng. She looked over. The bathtub was not big enough. Ji Chicheng's tall body was curled up, his legs still outside the bathtub.

And his head was buried deep in the water.

"Uncle!" Ji Anning passed over nervously, kneeling in front of Ji Chicheng to drag him.

But his body is so heavy, if he is unwilling to cooperate, her small physique can't do anything with him.

"Uncle, move, so you will be suffocated."

"Aren't you happier when you die."

The man suddenly raised his head, a pair of glasses of water infiltrated his eyes, covered with red blood, his eyes looked at Ji Anning coldly.

Ji Anning was taken aback, opened his mouth, but then pressed his lips.

She found that the cruel words, the words that hurt people, to him... she couldn't say a word.

She lowered her eyes and was silent.

They were all soaked in the bathtub. Just imagine how thoroughly wet the clothes were. Ji Anning was wearing a sleeveless skirt with a V-neck, light burgundy.

The makeup on his face was unremoved, he was wearing lipstick that matched the color of the skirt, and was soaked in water. Under the light, his lips looked particularly plump and attractive.

The skirt was soaked in the water and floated like a flower in full bloom. At this time, she looked like a coquettish queen.

"Ji Anning, I really want to kill you."

Suddenly, the man flew like a beast and overwhelmed Ji Anning's body and kissed her attractive red lips.

Ji Anning was stunned.

With a petite figure, especially soft in the water, Ji Chicheng tightly hugged Ji Anning's waist with one arm, not giving her the slightest chance to resist.

Heated and crazy kisses, panting breath.

Ji Anning was a little lost, her body seemed to be ignited, her face flushed.

"Little... Uncle..."

Just after gaining a little space, he took a breath, the man's lips pressed down fiercely, and his tongue arrogantly opened her teeth, hooked her tongue, and entangled her.

He lifted her waist with both hands and pressed tightly against his body.

The clothes have slipped off my shoulders, and my chest is half exposed.

The kiss that led Ji Chicheng down, finally released his lips, Ji Anning took a few breaths, and then stretched out his hand to push Ji Chicheng away.

He hugged his head with one hand, his thick hair, **** inadvertently touched his hot cheeks, and his heart trembled.

Suddenly, the man's crazy movements stopped, and Ji Anning looked down.

Ji Chicheng lay on her chest, face sideways, panting, eyes closed, her thick and long eyelashes were stained with water.

What happened? What's on your mind?

The frown was so painful.

Ji Anning painfully touched Ji Chicheng's eyebrows with his fingers, and gently caressed him, but he couldn't calm his worries.


He shouted with a trembling voice, the man didn't open his eyes, but moved his wet lips slightly, "You are all the same..."

It is the same to make him love and hate.