So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 547: Be jealous (eighteen)

took out the pajamas from the closet, went directly into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, adjusted the water temperature, and she was about to undress.


Suddenly there was a loud ‘bang’ outside the door, and the bathroom door was not closed, so I heard it clearly. She was taken aback and turned her head to see.

The tall man stumbled in, she opened her mouth in surprise, "Uncle!"

Before she could react, the man's heavy body rushed towards her.

Ji Anning was pushed against the wall by Ji Chicheng. She instinctively opened her arms, her hands hanging in the air and her slender body froze, and she was shocked. She lowered her head and looked at the man lying on her with trembling eyes. .

There was a strong smell of alcohol on his body, and Ji Anning felt drunk just by smelling it.


Ji Chicheng was lying on Ji Anning's shoulders, motionless, the smell of alcohol sprayed onto her neck, like feathers ticking around her neck, itchy.

Ji Anning's body couldn't help trembling, she moved a pair of hands hanging in the air, and then slowly put it down, shaking... she placed it on Ji Chicheng's waist.

Grabbing it gently and bit by bit, her fingers pressed against his strong psoas, and her heart trembles suddenly.

Ji Chicheng didn't react at all, just breathed in big mouths, looking very painful.

Ji Anning simply gave it up, squeezed the fingers of both hands, grabbed Ji Chicheng's waist, and pushed him, "Uncle, you're drinking too much, go to bed."

"Don't move..." Ji Chicheng made a'hush' gesture to Ji Anning, and then a pair of powerful arms copied from Ji Anning's back, hugged her petite body, and the body was close to her, drunk. Murmured in his tone, "Let me hug for a while, peaceful...anan..."

Ji Anning's eyes were hot, and her heart was torn apart by Ji Chicheng's begging "Let me hold for a while", and she couldn't breathe because of the pain.

She raised her chin and held her breath.

Tortured by moral and ethical concepts, she really couldn't help the tears in her eyes. She gritted her teeth or cried ‘whisper’.

Telling myself to let go, let go, but still can't let go of both hands, the man who came to her for some comfort.

She worked hard, tried.

Two years passed, but she still couldn't forget him, even if he was her brother-in-law.

This love is obviously wrong, and she knows it, but she just can't change it.

"Anning... Ji Anning..."

Being too drunk, Ji Chicheng couldn't stand still at all, and his weight was all on Ji Anning. Ji Anning's waist was still not well, and when he was so pressed, he started to hurt again.

She frowned, moved her hands to Ji Chicheng's shoulders, pushed him away a little bit hard, gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle, I will help you to lie down on the bed."

"Ji Anning..."

Ji Chicheng was dissatisfied that Ji Anning pushed him away so, his hands hugged him a little bit tighter.


Ji Anning didn't wear shoes on her feet, she was barefoot, and there was a bit of water on the ground. His legs slipped a bit by Ji Chicheng's overbearing coquettish action just now, and her body also lost her center of gravity.

Fall back.

Behind him was a bathtub with a lot of water, after Ji Anning screamed.

With a ‘poof’, the two fell into the bathtub.

Fortunately, there was still a little distance from the bathtub at that time. Ji Anning's head was plunged directly into the water, and his back was protected by Ji Chicheng's arms, and there was no pain in the diaphragm.