So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 549: Jealous (twenty)

I don't know if it was the water in the nose or what was the reason, Ji Chicheng's voice was a little nasal.

Hearing Ji Anning's heartache, she held the hands of his head, spread her fingers, inserted into his thick hair, sniffed and said, "I'm so bad already, so heartbroken, you What else do I need to do?"

There was a sense of powerlessness in the tone, with complaints.

After speaking, she collapsed first, lowering her head, covering her mouth with one hand, and tears fell from one drop to the next.

After another breath, the whole body trembled.

"So I made you so miserable."

Ji Chicheng suddenly raised his head, looked at Ji Anning, who was crying bitterly, and laughed at himself by curling his lips.

Extremely glamorous.

He laughed at himself. He pressed his hands on the edge of the bathtub, slowly climbed up, stepped out of the bathtub, dragged his wet body, and staggered out of the bathroom.

The back looks so sad and lonely.

Ji Anning choked and got stuck in her throat. She couldn't yell at all. Watching Ji Chicheng walk out of the bathroom and disappear from her sight, she collapsed again, lying on the edge of the bathtub, crying loudly. .

The next day, Ji Anning did not see Ji Chicheng.

On the third day, Ji Anning still did not see Ji Chicheng.

Fourth day...Fifth day...

Qi Helian finally came to Country M, and it was also Ji Anning's last day of filming work, location, in the famous seaside park in N City.

The sun is very good today. She is wearing a white dress and a fashionable beach sun hat. She is standing on the beach, the skirt is blown by the sea breeze.

Several cameras were facing her, looking into the distance of the sea, she was melancholy a little sad, just right.

In her look, Director Piccolo didn't bother much.

After taking a set of costumes, Ji Anning was a little tired. She sat on a chair, took the water that the assistant gave her, took a sip, looked at the direction of the venue where she took the photo, and laughed.

A noble and enchanting man, wearing a smoky-grey checkered suit, the checkered lines come in several colors, stylish and elegant.

Facing the camera, he would change his look from time to time, and wink at Ji Anning.

"Sister Nian, I'm going to stop work soon, do you want to go back to pick up one after another?"

The assistant packed up his things, walked to Ji Anning and asked in a low voice.

Ji Anning nodded, "Well, I've agreed to take her to the amusement park. It happened that Shao Qi was here to have a meal together."

Speaking, she glanced at Qi Helian, and Piccolo was communicating with Qi Helian.

Seeing Director Bick, she suddenly thought of Ji Chicheng. She wants to go out to eat. Shouldn't she also say hello to him?

After that night, there was no news of him for almost a week, not a single bit. Before he was on business trips, he would send videos to him every night, and he has completely disappeared these days.

Ji Anning thought, picked up the bag she put aside, turned out the phone from the inside, entered Ji Chicheng's number, hesitated and then hesitated before dialing out.

Hearing Dialong's response, her heart suddenly lifted up and raised her throat.

But no one answered.

This was the second call she made to him since they met again two years later, but he didn't answer it.

Ji Anning was a little bit disappointed, her mouth slumped and her eyes lowered. She kept the phone in her hand for a long time before she put it away.

"Sister Nian, the car is coming, do you want to say hello to the director first?"