So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 546: Be jealous (17) add more for monthly pass

Char's dark blue eyes looked at Ji Chicheng's face for a while, and his face gradually revealed the vicissitudes and sorrows that were inconsistent with his temperament and prestige.

‘Does your mother’s body count? ’

Ji Chicheng shook his head, and his tall body also shook.

Can't get back to God in a daze.

"My son, why haven't you come to see your mother for so many years?" Charl looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, suddenly a chill flashed across his face, "I know, it must be the old stubborn Ji Zhengdao who is too strict with you. , He is always so selfish and domineering, he thinks how great he is and ignores the feelings of others in everything he does."

He hated Ji Zhengdao every word.

The usual noble and elegant gentleman, at this moment incarnate like a demon, exuding terrifying hostility and resentment.

Ji Chicheng was still startled, looking at Char, opened his mouth...

‘You will live better with your father, and my life will be better without you. ’

‘I knew you were so disobedient, I shouldn’t have given birth to you. Mom will have her own life in the future. How can I live with you? ’

"Don't leave me, don't..."

The forbidden area in the deepest part of his heart was stepped on all of a sudden, his eyes were red with anger, and he coldly snorted to Char: "You are not qualified to talk to me in this tone."

Then he turned around and walked out of Charles's sight with his back stiff.


Ji Anning waited for a long time, but didn't wait for Ji Chicheng's reply, so she boldly acted as his acquiescence.

Previously, Ji Chicheng and Dian Dian said in the video that there are still a few days to return to City N. Ji Anning wanted to take advantage of the high mountains and the emperor to complete the work.

Immediately I called Director Piccolo. The next day, Director Piccolo came to N City and started shooting on the first day.


Three sets of clothes, lady's, neutral, and sexy, were shot all day long, I don't know how many looks were put on.

It was already dark when she finished work. She was too lazy to remove her makeup and change her clothes. She only changed the tiring high heels.

The waist injury was not completely healed, and when she stood up, she needed to support the table and carefully prop up her body.

"Sister Nian, I will serve you."

The assistants who were packing their own things saw how difficult Ji Anning was, and hurriedly came over to help her.

"It's not that serious." Ji Anning smiled and glanced at the assistant, preparing to push her hand away and walk by herself.

Someone just came in at the door, her eyes were drawn away, she smiled slightly when she saw the person coming, "Director Piccolo, it's really hard for you today."

"I didn't work hard, Miss Kiyi worked hard." Piccolo greeted Ji Anning, and then said apologetically: "I'm sorry to make you so late. I'm here to call you to dinner."

"No." Ji Anning shook his head, and tactfully refused: "I'm really too tired. My waist is not good lately. The doctor told me to take a good rest. When the filming is over, I will ask director Bick and Qi to eat less. "

It is convenient for her to be so far away, and a meal must be eaten.

But it was too late today. She was afraid that until late at night, Ji Chicheng knew about it and made him angry again.

Director Beek narrowed her mouth regretfully, but did not force her, "Then next time."

Ji Anning gave him an apologetic nod, and then left with the help of his assistant.

On the way, the aunt called her and said that she was making a lot of noise and refused to eat or go home. She hurried home anxiously. The little girl was sitting on the sofa, holding the baby bottle in her hand. The baby bottle was empty. , But she was still sucking hard.

His eyes were red and there were teardrops hanging on his eyelashes.

"One after another." Ji Anning took off the shoes on her feet, before she could put on slippers, she ran to Dian with bare feet, bent over to sit down, hugged her on her lap, lowered her head and smiled and gently placed her fingers on her cheeks. "Why don't you sleep?"

They pulled out the baby bottle mouth from their mouth one after another, pouting aggrievedly into Ji Anning's arms, "Mummy, think."

Actually it means to miss mommy.

The little girl yawned three times in Ji Anning's arms, and her eyelids couldn't hold her anymore, showing how sleepy she was.

Ji Anning gently patted her back and hummed a few lullabys. The little girl quickly closed her eyes and breathed evenly.

She lowered her head, kissed her tender cheek gently, and wiped the tears from her eyelashes with her fingertips.

Carefully picked her up and sent her upstairs.

When they were put on the bed, they were startled. Ji Anning quickly sat down and leaned against her to coax her.

After sitting down, she didn't think about it again. She yawned, but the heavy makeup on her face was still unremoved. She was still wearing the **** V-neck dress from the last shot, and she was wearing a woolen coat outside.

The eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I didn't know that I took a few naps. In the end, it was because my head slipped off the bed and hit the cup on the coffee table. She felt pain, and she was a little awake.

"Uh... sleepy."

Ji Anning was sleepy, pouting, dragging his tired body to stand.

Lazy pace, yawning while walking.

(The trailer for the next episode, bathtub thump, wall thump, thump thump thump... the little friends are really strong. It's a monthly pass plus a new chapter, keep working hard, love you so much, what do you think~~~) !--End of chapter content-->