So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 545: Be jealous (16)

"Little handsome guy, you are imprisoned by Nian Nianhe, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet, but you hum with me first.

Now Char is using Chinese, except for Korea, all of you can't understand it.

Ji Chicheng turned his head lazily, then gave Char a disdainful smile, "Mr. Char, they are my daughters, I haven't sue you for kidnapping."

He tilted his chin slightly, holding on to his usual arrogance.

Charl smiled and stretched out his hand, preparing to pat Ji Chicheng on the shoulder. Ji Chicheng frowned and avoided.

And gave him a warning look.

Char hung his hands in the air, he was shocked, and he laughed, "I told you a long time ago that young people shouldn't be so angry. Look at your old man, who has such a big temper, a lot of old people, and a whole body problem."

Ji Chicheng didn't want to look at this old rival for a minute. He looked at Korea on the other side coldly, "Korea, this is a high-level meeting between our website and HG. "There seems to be no Mr. Char on HG’s shareholder list. , I don’t know in what capacity Mr. Char came in. "


Korea just opened his mouth to answer, but he was snatched by Char on the other side, "Yes, I'm just here to join in the fun and listen to your meeting."

"Sorry, this is a commercial secret, please go out." Ji Chicheng said, stretched out his hand, and asked Char.

When everyone saw Ji Chicheng's attitude towards Char, they were all stunned.

In their country, Char is a symbol of power and authority. This young man who does sound a bit capable is so bold that he dares to be so disrespectful to Mr. Char.

Someone wanted to stand up and reprimand Ji Chicheng for Char.

Char raised a hand and motioned to the man not to speak, then he smiled and nodded to Ji Chicheng, "Okay... I'll go out, the young man will get angry at every turn."

He stood up while speaking, and left the meeting room.

Because of Char's insertion, the meeting was not very pleasant and ended hurriedly.

Ji Chicheng took his people out of the meeting room first, and the group of H.G people stayed behind and talked about him, and he ignored them.

"Little handsome boy, it's time for lunch. It's a pity not to eat a meal when it comes to my site."

Without taking a few steps outside, Ji Chicheng was blocked by Char. He ignored Char's words and walked past him coldly.

"Believe it or not, I will now let people take Dian He Nian Nian away."

There was a threat from Char from behind.

Ji Chicheng paused and turned to look at him without fear, "Mr. Char, the arms you sold to SU are all legal, right?"

Hearing that, Char's face changed suddenly, but he quickly returned to his normal color, and he smiled and said, "It seems that I underestimated you as a young man."

Ji Chicheng hated Char who was not angry at all, and he felt like he was disdainful to be angry with him, and didn't put him in his eyes.

This is also the first one to make him so upset... outsider.

He clenched his fists in both hands and gritted his teeth to warn Char: "If you dare to move my people any more, I will never sit still."

Char is still very calm, "Do your people include Nian Nian?"

Before Ji Chicheng could answer, he raised his eyebrows slowly, "Does your mother's body count?"

Ji Chicheng's face suddenly changed, and he stared at Char's fading smile face.

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