So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 544: Be jealous (15)

Director Bick said: "Kiyi, I discussed with Shao Qi. The shooting location is set in N City. You can set aside the schedule these days."

Ji Anning heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "I am a little uncomfortable these days. I just came home from the hospital. I will first call the doctor and ask if I can go out."

Hearing that, Director Piccolo cared about her and agreed to give her time to ask her.

In fact, she didn't want to ask the doctor, she was going to apply to Ji Chicheng, and their agreement was that they could not step out of his house without his permission.

After hanging up the call from Director Bick, Ji Anning immediately dialed Ji Chicheng's number, but no one answered.

Thinking about whether he was in a meeting or busy with something, she didn't call again and sent text messages instead.

"Uncle, I picked up a cover some time ago. I have to take some time to shoot these two days, can I?"

After the news was sent, she waited nervously for Ji Chicheng to reply, because the contract had already been signed, and it was an international magazine like fashion. If she was offended, then she would be in the entertainment industry and no one would dare to look for her again.

Ji Chicheng was really in a meeting, and a few serious-faced middle-aged and elderly men were in a small meeting room with tall decoration.

When he felt the phone vibrate, when he took it out, the other party had already hung up. Just when he clicked on to see who was calling the missed call, another text message came.

Seeing the words ‘Ji Anning’, he ignored the dissatisfaction and looked at his eyes, clicked on the message, and frowned when he saw the content of the message.

"President Ji."

A middle-aged foreign man knocked on the table gently to remind Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng ignored it, hesitated for a long time staring at the text message Ji Anning sent him, and finally decided to remain silent.

His real intention was not to tie her wings and prevent her from flying...

Let her comprehend it by herself.

The phone screen was locked, and the meeting continued. This time, it was the first step to discuss cooperation between the top leaders of L City and H.G.

"Sorry, interrupt, our major shareholder behind the scenes is here."

Finally, Ji Chi Cheng hung up the phone, and the meeting continued for less than two minutes. Korea, who was sitting next to Ji Chi Cheng, suddenly called to stop.

Before she could say anything, the door of the meeting room opened, and a tall and tall figure came in with an aura of admiration.

Except for Korea, all present here showed surprised expressions, including Ji Chicheng.

He looked at the man who appeared at the door, a flash of surprise flashed across his face, and then he made no secret of the hatred in his hand.

The man about fifty years old, with a pair of dark blue eyes, glanced around everyone present, then fell on Ji Chicheng, curled his lips and smiled at him, "Little handsome guy, we meet again."

Ji Chicheng's cold face had more points of chill.

He ignored Char, who sold him, and looked away from him with disdain.

H.G’s behind-the-scenes major shareholder... is not on H.G’s shareholder list. He has investigated. On their shareholder list, the largest shareholder is Korea, but the identity of Korea, he has investigated, is also King Y’s pro.

"Mr. Char, nice to meet you."

"Mr. Char, long time no see."


After everyone was surprised, they all got up and shook hands with Char.

Char shook his hand all the way, walked to the empty seat beside Ji Chicheng and sat down. His mood seemed to be unaffected by Ji Chicheng's not waiting to see him, and he still smiled at him.