So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 543: Be jealous (14)

Entering the door, he glanced indifferently over Ji Anning's body, landed on Dian Dian, and asked her with a smile: "Dian, Auntie?"

"Go!" Pouting one after another, a little sad.

Seeing the little girl's lost appearance, Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and rubbed her head indulgingly, "I will take you to see Auntie tomorrow."

They nodded happily, "Okay."

See you tomorrow... and he seems to be paying attention to that Korea. It seems that their relationship is really delicate.

Ji Anning looked down and thought secretly, without the mind to pay attention to the next interaction between their father and daughter.

So I didn't notice that Ji Chicheng's gaze had been locked in her face.

After spending the afternoon in the hospital, Ji Chicheng also waited here all afternoon, holding the computer all the time.

Anyway, there is no free time.

"Mr. Ji, the food has been prepared. In the incubator, you and you will go back one after another, just take it out of the incubator."

It was getting dark, and the aunt came. Her old man carried a thermos in one hand and Ji Anning's change of clothes in the other. She walked in and looked at Ji Chicheng and said hello.

Hearing the words, Ji Chicheng closed the computer, put it away, and then stood up, looking at the people who were fighting with Ji Anning, "One after another, let's go."


The phone he had just tucked in his pocket rang again, took it out and took a look at the caller ID, then answered it and put it to his ear.

Ji Anning heard Ji Chicheng's cell phone ringing just now, and looked at him vigilantly.

I don’t know who called him, but he glanced at his watch, and then said, "Buy tomorrow noon."

Ji Chicheng only said such a thing on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he left with them.

After eating, Ji Anning lay on the bed, but couldn't sleep.

I know I shouldn't think about it, I don't want to think about it, but I can't control it.

She put on earplugs again and listened to Zhou Xun's "Love and Hate Recovery" repeatedly.

Even if I don’t see you again, I’ll see you again, it’s totally different... Give me ten thousand years, one or two years old, it doesn’t matter... Some love, I can’t escape Skynet...

Give me ten thousand years, hooray, you know what is wrong... When you come, I still can’t fly...

When you come, I still can’t fly!

But how can she not fly?

There is such an insurmountable wall between them, so even if the wings can't fly away, she should climb away from him when she climbs, right?

The next day.

When the aunt went home to make breakfast and returned to the hospital, she brought them one after another, saying that Ji Chicheng had gone on business.

Because they don't want strangers to sleep at night, she can only stay in the hospital these days.

In a blink of an eye, Ji Chicheng had been on a business trip for three days. Ji Anning had been in the hospital and felt particularly bored, so she applied for discharge.

Dr. Qisen’s suggestion was to let her stay for a while if she had time, but she insisted on leaving the hospital.

In fact, there is no big problem. The filming says that it is almost healed. Just take a good rest.

At the beginning of returning home, Ji Anning still lay on the bed peacefully. Later, she really couldn't lie down anymore. He always walked around secretly while his aunt was not paying attention.

After lunch, she sneaked onto the balcony again, and stretched her waist.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

Turned her head, took a look, and then raised her foot and walked over, the caller ID showed ‘Director Piccolo’, she reached out and picked it up to answer, "Hello, Director Piccolo."