So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 542: Be jealous (13)

Hearing Korea’s goodbye, they pursed their mouths unhappily, "Think... Auntie."

Korea smiled, stretched out his hand and gently patted their heads, and patiently coaxed: "Auntie will miss you too. Another day, Auntie will go to my father's company and bring you a princess."

They all smiled and nodded hard, "Uh-huh."

"I'm a miscellaneous puppet, I wish you a speedy recovery." Korea stood up and greeted Ji Anning, then turned around, and when his eyes were on the aunt, he politely nodded to the aunt.

Seeing her slender figure walk out of the ward and disappear from sight, Ji Anning frowned thoughtfully.


One after another in Ji Anning's ear, Ji Anning kept shouting if she didn't agree.

Finally, her thoughts were interrupted, Ji Anning withdrew his gaze from the door, and smiled at each other, "Is that auntie, is your father's friend?"

"Auntie." They couldn't speak, and found a familiar word in Ji Anning's words to answer her.

Ji Anning asked another way: "Did you see it in Dad's office?"

"See." They nodded, grabbing Ji Anning's collar with their little hands, pulling and biting again.

Ji Anning also felt that the answers were unreliable, because how did she know what the office was?

For the first time, she had a headache because of communicating with the little girl. After thinking about it, she asked: "Aunty, how is it?"

After asking, she thought to herself that the question was simple, what obstacles should be for the little girl.

They nodded, "Okay."

Ji Anning frowned, dissatisfied with the answers in her heart, and asked: "Which is better, aunt or mommy?"

They replied without hesitation: "Good mommy."

At this time, Ji Anning's heart finally received a little comfort. Just now, she has seen so close to Korea so well, and her heart is particularly disturbed.

Ji Chicheng's footsteps stopped at the door. After listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

‘That aunt, is your father’s friend? ’

‘Did you see it in Dad’s office? ’

"How is Auntie?" ’

"Which is better, Auntie or Mommy? ’

Ji Anning, do you care?

If you don’t care, why do you ask about this and inquire about this?

Ji Chicheng looked deeply at Ji Anning, who was leaning on the bed, and looked at her bright apricot eyes, but couldn't see through her.

What does she want? What do you want? What's hiding?

What to do, my heart is about to move, and I want to investigate if there is a reason...

Suddenly, the mobile phone he was holding in his hand rang again, and he quickly stepped back, and after a long distance, he answered.

"what's up?"

"I've been to see it, it has nothing to do with her."

Ji Anning heard the familiar ringtone, but suddenly it disappeared and no one was seen. She frowned and looked at the door suspiciously.

The door was open, but Ji Chicheng was not seen. She frowned and muttered in her heart, could it be that she heard it wrong?

"Miss Anning, Mr. Ji is here, I ran into him on the elevator just now."

Auntie went down to sell fruit just now, and she walked in with the fruit and said to Ji Anning.

"Uh..." Ji Anning narrowed his mouth.

It turned out that it was not my own auditory hallucinations, it was really his cell phone ringtone. I guess I went to answer the phone without coming in.

Just thinking about it, the tall figure of the man came in, holding a mobile phone in one hand and putting it in his straight trousers in the other.