So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 541: Be jealous (12)

Saying hello, she gestured to the aunt.

Auntie comprehended and pushed her to walk past Yang Danning.

Yang Danning turned around and followed Ji Anning, shouting loudly: "Don't tell me, big star, we old friends meet and see you in a wheelchair, I haven't greeted you yet."


Faced with Yang Danning's irony, Ji Anning was not angry, more helpless.

Thinking about it now, she really failed to be a human being. She originally thought she would be a lifetime friend, but now she broke up to the point where she would fight each other.

The ward was very boring. I was watching the news with my mobile phone, and I couldn't enter the content for a long time.

The next day, a strong wind blew in N City.

The aunt came very early, and the breakfast was similar to the previous few days. After eating, she asked the aunt to help her shake the head of the bed a little bit. She was lying halfway down and playing games with her mobile phone.

Xiao Xiaole, she has ranked first every time, she has reached the pinnacle of technology, and it is very boring to play.

"Miss Anning, have come to see you."

Auntie came in from outside and said to Ji Anning with a smile.

"Really?" Ji Anning's eyes lit up and immediately put down the phone and looked at the door excitedly.

Many small figures entered the door, happily rushing to Ji Anning.

Ji Anning lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed. Auntie stopped her quickly, "Miss Anning, the doctor has already explained that you can't walk around out of bed."

Ji Anning retracted her feet again, and when she got to the bed, she craned her neck and kissed her face, "One after another, Mommy missed you so much."

They crawled onto the bed and lay down on Ji Anning's bed, hugging her affectionately, "Thinking... Mommy."

The soft body and the waxy voice made Ji Anning's heart cute.

She reached out and patted her on the back, and looked at the door again.

No one.

Ji Anning, what do you think?

She laughed self-deprecatingly, and was about to retract her gaze, when a figure suddenly appeared at the door, she glanced at it, and immediately looked up again.

It is a tall, well-dressed beauty, a famous brand, and excellent temperament.

Ji Anning was frowning and wondering about the identity of this beauty. The beauty smiled and spoke to her, "Hello, I am Korea, Mr. Ji's friend, or a partner to be precise."

I heard that it was Ji Chicheng’s friend, Ji Anning’s gaze kept looking Korea up and down again, then smiled and nodded, "Hello."

"Originally, Mr. Ji had already arrived downstairs and suddenly answered the phone. It seemed that there was something urgent, so please ask me to send them up." Korea generously explained why she brought them here.

Whatever the reason, one thing is certain, that is, she has been with Ji Chicheng just now.

In other words, if he is not very familiar, how can he give her one after another?

Ji Anning couldn't help thinking about this question, and nodded absently and thanked him, "Thank you."

Korea is also looking at Ji Anning, "Is your body any better?"

"It's better, thank you for your concern." Ji Anning smiled and nodded.

The people in their arms suddenly sat up and beckoned to Korea, "Auntie."

The call of "Auntie" was very clear and smooth. Originally, this name was very strange to them.

It seems that it is not the first time to see this Korea.