So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 538: Be jealous (9)

"Okay!" Ji Anning gently nodded, reached out to pick up the sweet soup, scooped a spoon, and put it into his mouth.

"Mummy drinks."

Suddenly they raised her little spoon and turned around, stepping the spoon to Ji Anning's lips.

In fact, the soup in the spoon has already been spilled, but Ji Anning still opened his mouth cooperatively, pretending to be delicious, "Thank you, they are so good."

After receiving the praise, they were very happy, turned around, and took another spoonful, this time for Ji Chicheng.

When the spoon was brought to Ji Chicheng's mouth, Ji Chicheng smiled slightly, opened his mouth, and took a symbolic sip of the soup fed by his daughter.

Such a warm one, it is easy for people to lose themselves and make people fall.

In the cheerful and happy smiles, Ji Anning was also slowly infected, and his face was filled with the joyful smile that Ji Chicheng had been missing for a long time.

He looked at her with deep eyes.

"Be careful."

Ji Chicheng was in a trance, and Ji Anning suddenly yelled in surprise.

Before he could react, he heard one after another crying, "Woo..."

The little girl was lying on the ground, just now playing peekaboo with Ji Anning, half of her face hit the corner of the wall while walking.

Ji Anning found that the trend was not right, enduring low back pain, Fei had not had time to catch it in the past, and because of the too much movement just now, her waist was strained again, and she was lying on the ground for a long time.

Her brows twitched in pain.

Ji Chicheng hardly hesitated, got up and walked to Ji Anning's side, stooped to pick her up easily, put her on the sofa, stern face all the way, didn't even look at Ji Anning, and then hugged her.

"Let dad see."

With little hands covering the hit right face, Ji Chicheng took her hand away in distress, and the little girl's right face blushed, and it was a little purple in such a short time.

He hurried to get the medicine box and put anti-swelling ointment on one after another.

‘One and a half to three years old is the best period for surgery, with the greatest success rate. After this period, the success rate will become smaller and smaller. ’

The father and the daughter were on the other end of the sofa. Ji Anning leaned sideways on this end, looking sadly, recalling what the doctor had said to her.

Although the cornea does not need to be matched, the resources are very few. There are only two situations: donated by the dead or donated by the living.

However, in foreign countries, family members who are generally willing to donate have already found the recipient.

Char has cast a net in major hospitals, but he has not received any news so far. He has done so before, but many of them are not at the age of surgery.

It seems that the surgeries cannot be delayed any longer.

She didn't fall down once, her heart hurt once.

This should be God's punishment for her, and it shouldn't be on them.

After pondering for a long time, Ji Anning sighed helplessly and feebly, and then looked again, his eyes flashing across Ji Chicheng's face.

The word taboo burst into her mind, and she returned to reason. She quickly turned her eyes away, stood up and said lightly: "I'm a little tired, I'm going back to the room first."

Holding his waist, he walked out of Ji Chicheng's room with difficulty.

The warm atmosphere, as she left indifferently, pulled off the curtain.

Ji Chicheng's face was cold, watching Ji Anning, whose footsteps were trembling, and he was already so miserable, but still disdain to bow his head.

Ji Anning was no longer in the room, and without her breath, the room suddenly became empty.

His heart is also empty.