So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 539: Jealous (ten)

Ji Chicheng raised his head and leaned on the sofa. After crying for a while, he forgot the pain of hitting his face, and became naughty again, and climbed over on Ji Chicheng's legs.


But, even so, he couldn't fill his empty heart.

Because of low back pain, Ji Anning did not go downstairs to eat dinner, and she couldn't eat the food when her aunt sent the food into her room.

After all, he still couldn't stand it, or he couldn't put it down completely. Ji Chicheng called an ambulance and took Ji Anning to the hospital.

He asked his aunt to go to the hospital with him, but he did not go.

Whether it is at home or abroad, the hospital is full of the smell of disinfectant. Ji Anning lay on the bed, the doctor's hands pressed on her waist everywhere, asking her if it hurts.

This hospital is the most famous orthopedic hospital in N city. It treats sprains, falls, etc., which is particularly amazing.

The doctor pressed for a moment, and then decided to take a film. The results of the examination showed that the lumbar vertebrae were slightly cracked and he needed to be hospitalized.

During the boring hospital life, Ji Anning knew many nurses here, and her aunts accompanied her every day.

On the fifth day of hospitalization, the doctor came and told her that she could go out to sunbathe in a wheelchair.

This season, withered yellow leaves can be seen everywhere. The sun is good today. Ji Anning is sitting in a wheelchair while her aunt pushes her.

When we arrived at the hospital activity area, a group of children from country M were laughing and playing, Ji Anning couldn't help thinking, "Auntie, have you been good these two days?"

The aunt replied: "Mr. Ji takes her to the company every day, the little girl is very happy."

"Oh." Ji Anning nodded, feeling a little disappointed. "I have been in the hospital for five days. Doesn't she bother to see me?"

The aunt understood her loss a little bit, and laughed, "I will go back tonight and tell Mr. Ji, let him take them to see you."

Ji Anning quickly shook his head when he heard the words, "Don't... needless to say."

At this moment, several nurses rushed past her, seeming to have encountered an emergency call, whispering while running.

"Several foreign students in racing and fighting, some of their heads were broken."

"Oh, my god."


International students racing and fighting, this kind of news is often seen.

Ji Anning just listened and didn't pay much attention.

After walking outside for a while, although the sun was good, the temperature was still a bit cold. When a cold wind came back, she shivered, clasped her arms and said to auntie: "Go to Doctor Qisen, don’t say you want to change my dressing What?"

The aunt asked: "Don't you change in the ward?"

Ji Anning frowned, "Stayed in the ward for five days without leaving the house. I'm annoyed by that, so let's go to Doctor Qisen."

After asking about the situation just now, her heart is bored and a little irritable.

Qi Sen is her attending doctor and the authoritative doctor of orthopedics in this hospital.

She was going, so the aunt had to push her to go.

They talked while walking on the road, went to the outpatient clinic, and passed by the emergency department gate. There were a lot of people crowded at the emergency department gate, all young people about her age.

However, to her surprise, most of these young people have the same black hair and oriental features as her.

She also heard them speak Chinese.

Ji Anning couldn't help but pay more attention. There were a lot of people, it was noisy, and China and Britain met, and they couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Seeing such a lively scene, Auntie also slowed down, but did not stop.