So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 537: Be jealous (8)

She involuntarily held her breath, walked slowly to the closet, and opened the closet door.

What caught her eye was a row of white shirts, and at the same time a familiar fragrance came out, and her heart trembled slightly, like feathers passing from the tip of her heart.

‘This one, I like this one, the buttons are light blue crystals. ’

'it is good. ’

The memory suddenly struck, her eyes flushed, she hurriedly closed the cabinet door, turned to lean up, raised her head, closed her eyes, and took a silent breath.

After making adjustments, she opened the right door again. Just now, she forgot what Ji Chicheng had said to her.

In the cabinet on the right, all her clothes were hanging before, but now they are full of clothes. They are colorful and cute.

Ji Anning picked a set of white home clothes printed with cartoon patterns, and then quickly left Ji Chicheng's bedroom.


Outside, the naked people were already drinking sweet soup, in Ji Chicheng's arms.

She held a small spoon, scooped a spoon, and sent it to Ji Chicheng's mouth intimately, she couldn't hold it at all. When the spoon was in Ji Chicheng's mouth, the soup had already been spilled.

That picture reminded Ji Anning that he had seen a funny post on the Internet before that he could not let his father take the child.

Really, it's already late autumn. Although the house has a constant temperature, if you are naked like this, you will definitely get cold if you are still wet just now.

He just let her start eating.

Ji Anning frowned, walked over quickly, and her waist started to hurt again. She bounced her legs and quickly pressed the part of the back pain with one hand.

At the moment of severe pain, her face turned pale.

Ji Chicheng saw her behavior in his eyes, his eyebrows moved, and an annoyance flashed in his cold eyes, but the pride in his bones did not allow him to move.

Watching Ji Anning walk to the sofa with difficulty, sit down beside him.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes." Ji Anning shook her clothes away and put on her top first.

They sat on Ji Chicheng's lap one after another, very cooperative.

After putting on her top, Ji Anning picked up her **** again, and suddenly put her legs together, pouting, "No..."

She has always refused to wear underwear, because many times it was because it was too late to take off her underwear.

Ji Anning frowned, "I am ashamed of not wearing underwear."

"Mummy." The little girl suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Ji Anning's waistband.

Ji Anning, she knew that the little girl wanted to see if she was wearing it. She gritted her teeth and whispered: "Mommy is wearing it too. It's shame not to wear it."

Hearing this, the little girl still maintained the attitude of rejection, she put her hope on Ji Chicheng again, and turned around to grab Ji Chicheng's belt.

Ji Chicheng understood her intentions and took the initiative to untie the belt, "Look, Dad is wearing it too."

On Ji Anning's side, his face was red like cooked shrimp.

Without any reason to refuse, one after another stretched out fleshy calves and asked Ji Anning to help her put on her underwear.

She was actually still very dissatisfied and kept pouting.

After getting dressed, she began to feel uneasy about being held by Ji Chicheng, jumped off the ground, and sipped sweet soup on the coffee table.

Ji Chicheng buckled his belt slowly.

Ji Anning was embarrassed sitting aside, his eyes wandering, and there was nowhere to rest.

Just then, the aunt came in and brought another bowl of sweet soup. Seeing that Ji Anning's bowl was still on the coffee table, her old man frowned and asked, "Miss Anning, why don't you drink the sweet soup? Drink it while it is hot. "