So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 536: Be jealous (7)

"Mr. Ji, you are back."

The aunt who had gone back and forth came over with two bowls of steaming desserts in her hand, and when she saw Ji Chicheng, she greeted in surprise and broke the warm and beautiful picture in the bathroom.

He is back?

Ji Anning was startled and turned to look at the bathroom door. Ji Chicheng stood tall at the corner of the door.

She turned her head and looked at him unexpectedly.

A little embarrassed, she explained to Ji Chicheng: "I accidentally fell asleep and ran over and moved your razor."

Ji Chicheng closed his eyes and couldn't help but reveal the warmth, ignoring Ji Anning's words, and indifferently moved his eyes to Dian Dian, curled his lips and smiled, "One after another, let Dad see if his beard is shaved."

He raised his foot and walked in front of Dian, stretched out his hand to draw a towel on the towel rack, and gently wiped off the foam on Dian’s face. The clean face was exposed, and the fleshy little face was sharpened by her with a razor. Glowing red.

They were very cooperative to stay still and asked Ji Chicheng to check if she had shaved her beard clean.

"Well, it's great!" Ji Chicheng stared at her faces for a while, then nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

They laughed happily, put down the razor, bent over and stretched out, picking up a handful of water, and patted her face.

Through this incident, Ji Anning once again realized that fatherly love is really very different from maternal love.

Especially Ji Chicheng's performance in this aspect is more vivid.

It seems that he spoils the child, he has no discipline, but he can always stop the willfulness better, more effectively and harmoniously.

For example, that day she lost her temper because she couldn't eat that table of vegetables, and she became angry with her, but it was counterproductive, but he chose to let them try, and the result was her original intention.

Obediently take the spoon and eat what she can eat.

Just now, she told them to put down the razor, she didn't let it go, and he came over, and asked her to put it down obediently.

And the little girl is still very happy.

Ji Anning thought, moving her gaze to Ji Chicheng's face without knowing it, staring at his handsome face with a petting smile.

The corners of the mouth kept rising.

"Miss Anning, I will put the sweet soup on Mr. Ji's side for you, and I will serve Mr. Ji again."

The aunt deliberately wanted to create a chance for them to get along with each other, and said hello. Before Ji Anning could respond, she took her own initiative and put the 20,000 sweet soup on the coffee table.

Then she quickly left the room.

"We are out for sweet soup."

Washing all the foam on their faces, Ji Chicheng took one hand out of the sink and walked out of the bathroom.

Ji Anning leaned on the wall and turned around and followed behind him.

Seeing the little ones, under Ji Chicheng's strong arms, she felt a sense of security in her heart.

Ji Chicheng will put them on the sofa one after another, and then take off her wet clothes.

Upon seeing this, Ji Anning quickly said: "I'll get her clothes."

She was still holding the wall with her hand, ready to turn around, Ji Chicheng's cold voice suddenly sounded behind her, "In the closet in the room, right."

Before Ji Anning came, they all slept with Ji Chicheng, so most of the clothes were in his room.

Ji Anning nodded with a ‘oh,’ and touched into the bedroom, everything in the room was the same as it was three years ago, nothing changed.

(Is it the afternoon now? Hahaha... The sugar has been distributed, the eight chapters have been updated, the monthly pass exceeds one hundred, and it will be added later~~~)