So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1454: Spend a lot of money for your wife (2)

Qi Helian immediately put away his hippie smile and became serious.

"Lao Du's granddaughter will come back from abroad tomorrow, you go to pick up the plane." The old man ordered, speeding up his pace and going downstairs.

Old Du? Which old du?

Qi Helian rewinded in his mind, and it took a long time to remember that the old man is a better friend, but why did he pick up his granddaughter?

He is Qi Helian. Only a large number of fans will pick him up at the airport, okay?

Thinking about it, the old man had already gone downstairs, and he hurried to follow, "I'm going to the studio this afternoon to film, and I'm back from leave."

"You have to give it to me even if you don't film the movie." The old man replied angrily, without rebuttal.

Qi Helian persuaded, "I see."

He quickened his pace and was about to chase the old man, but suddenly there was another beating sound behind him.

"3P, awesome my brother."

Qi Helian twisted his eyebrows, clenched his fists with his hands on the sides of his legs, stopped and turned around, pointing to Rong Feifan who was slowly coming downstairs, and warned viciously: "Rong Feifan, you better close your mouth."

This kid is the least afraid of big things, he always likes to fan the flames. The old man is on his anger, fanning the flames again, that's really incredible.

Rong Feifan was wearing dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt on his upper body. One end was dyed with light linen hair, and the corners of his mouth were light, full of evil spirits.

Not afraid of Qi Helian’s warning to him, "My new album is about to be released, today you take me to the hotel too."

He didn't look at Qi Helian's face as dark as the bottom of a pot, and continued to laugh and tease, "What brother and sister love, brother love, the most love."

The corners of Qi Helian's mouth twitched, and his fists were held in pain. He really wanted to punch him with that mean cheek.

He lowered his voice and warned him, "If you dare to fan the flames, I won't sell one of your albums."

"Grandpa, my brother threatened me." Rong Feifan looked at the old man sitting on the sofa and shouted in fear.

The old man replied coldly: "Just ignore him, he has no human rights in this family now."

Qi Helian: "..."

Rong Feifan retracted his gaze, leaned lazily on the handrail of the stairs, and looked at Qi Helian triumphantly, "Human rights are gone."

Qi Helian was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and continued downstairs.


All day long, Qi Helian went around the old man without making the old man's face look good.

After dinner, while the old man was out for a walk, he went upstairs to have a video conference with Mickey and Minnie.

"Sister Xiaoxiao has already called Director Liu personally, saying that you will not return to the crew for these two days, let them film other people's scenes first."

Qi Helian didn't want to listen to their report on work, and said irritably: "Help me check the information of that woman."

When eating dinner just now, the old man also repeatedly asked and warned that he must pick up that old Du's granddaughter tomorrow.

Who is that woman, tall, thin, short or fat.

Mickey asked: "Which woman?"

Qi Helian frowned, and Mickey shuddered, so he reacted and nodded immediately, "I see."

"I feel that my album will sell well this time." Rong Feifan's voice suddenly came from the door of the room.

This kid, wouldn't he knock on the door when he came in?

Qi Helian turned his head, staring displeasedly at Young Master Rong, who was walking happily.

Rong Feifan ignored his cold hatred expression, walked up to him, smiled and pleased: "Brother, please send me a Weibo to promote it."