So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1455: Spend a lot of money for your wife (3)

Qi Helian sneered, "Your bad songs, with incomplete sounds, still want to consume my fans?"

I knew that he would take down his station and cause him trouble, and I want him to promote the album to him, dream.

"What? My five tone is not complete?" Rong Feifan looked at Qi Helian dissatisfied, "As my cousin, you don't support my dream of creation, so let me pour cold water and blow me down."

It is very moving.

But Qi He is not even a bird.

He gritted his teeth again, "Isn't the five tones all right? I'll just sing a few words for you. My tone and feeling of music are much better than you."

As he said, he cleared his throat, ready to sing.

Qi Helian hurriedly stopped him, "Don't... please stop singing."

Suddenly, he thought of something, a cunning flash flashed in his long and narrow phoenix eyes, and he looked at Rong Feifan and said, "I can help you post on Weibo, but with conditions."

He spoke suddenly, and Rong Feifan was on guard instead, "What are you doing?"

"Tomorrow, help me pick up Lao Du's granddaughter." Qi Helian straightforwardly offered the terms.

Rong Feifan wondered, "Who is Lao Du's granddaughter?"

After asking Qi Helian to answer, he remembered again, "The one that Grandpa said at the dinner table?"

Qi Helian nodded, and Rong Feifan frowned and said, "That is the person Grandpa introduced to you. I will pick it up. Grandpa will definitely blame me."

"Then it depends on your ability, aren't you known as the killer of young, middle-aged and elderly women?" Qi Helian said, leaning back lazily, looking at Rong Feifan with a smile.

It seemed to have taken him.

Rong Feifan pressed his lips tightly, hesitated and weighed again and again, and finally nodded, "All right."

However, he added another condition: "Then you send me a Weibo promotion, remember to invite those celebrities and actresses, and send them to me."

Cut, my heart is pretty big.

His power to post on Weibo alone means he has been desperately sponsoring publicity for a year, okay?

Qi Helian rolled his eyes at Rong Feifan and let him experience it by himself.

Then he reached out and picked up the phone on the table and got up, "I'm going out to meet a few musician friends. I will mention you to them. Grandpa will come back later. Do you know what to say."

Hearing this, Rong Feifan's eyes brightened and he nodded cleverly, "Brother, don't worry about it, grandpa."

Qi Helian curled his lips in satisfaction, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the door with his feet raised.


The night before yesterday, the three people got together in the middle of the night and had such a big scandal. Today, the three of them kept a low profile and made an appointment at Xiang Yiqing's seaside villa.

Xiang Yiqing and Qi Helian both had red wine in their hands, and Ji Chicheng had drinks.

A few people chatted, Qi Helian suddenly thought of something. He looked at Xiang Yiqing and said, "I have already asked you about the car. A car lover in country M has collected one. It just so happens that he has recently been involved in his career. There was a problem, so I plan to sell some of the cars, but the price may be a bit more expensive than when they were bought."

"But the car has never been driven once, and the new one has not been photographed."

Xiang Yiqing asked: "About how much more expensive?"

Qi Helian said: "More than one million."

Xiang Yiqing nodded without hesitation, "No problem."

Very refreshing.

He has always been keen on public welfare undertakings, he is very ordinary to himself, he does not pursue famous brands, and the most expensive car he drives is seven or eight hundred thousand, less than one million.