So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1453: Spend a lot of money for your wife (1)

Xiang Yi glanced briefly, and shook his head funny, "Why don't they suspect that he might be the mother who is thinking about the child?"

He was unintentional, casually curious.

Xin Xiaoxiao started gossiping, "But Qi Helian should like tranquility."

She has always thought so, but Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng are so affectionate, she is hard to ask.

Xiang Yiqing frowned, "It's okay, don't gossip like this."

Although everyone knows it well, but they get along together, no one will mention it.

In this way, hello and me, everyone is good, and we can get along normally and unfettered together.

Xin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and "cut", and said, "Do you still need gossip? Every time Qi Helian looks at An Ning's eyes, he is obsessed."

Anyone with a little eye can tell if it is good.

However, gossip is like ascites and it is difficult to collect. Xin Xiaoxiao said again: "I remember that Qi Helian had an endless scandal. Although no media dared to report on it, I can always hear the news that he has changed his girlfriend again. Today I hooked up with this daughter. , Which young model will come out of the hotel tomorrow, but in the past few years, there has been almost no such phenomenon."

Xiang Yi hummed lightly: "If you pay attention, you still listen carefully."

Xin Xiaoxiao said: "I was also a fan of Qi Helian. My whole youth coveted his appearance. At that time, the room was covered with his posters, oversized signed posters."

She said it with both hands.

She has been fascinated by Qi Helian before?

Xiang Yiqing felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He stared at Xin Xiaoxiao and sneered: "Then you finally have a chance to meet him, why don't you chase him?"

Instead, he came after him.

Xin Xiaoxiao heard the sourness in his tone and smiled and coaxed him, "Don't worry, my husband will always be in the center of my heart, stable and unbreakable."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and gently picked Yi Yi's chin.

"Not serious." Xiang Yiqing's cheeks turned red again.

Xin Xiaoxiao put his elbow on the car window and looked at him with interest, "You know what, I'm so shy if you don't understand, and blush, just like a daughter-in-law."


It was more than ten o'clock after the program was recorded last night, and it was early in the morning when he returned to the sea market, and Qi Helian slept until almost nine o'clock.

Had it not been for the old man's return, he hadn't seen each other, he would definitely continue to sleep.

After washing, he was still in pajamas and yawned downstairs.

No one was seen in the living room, he looked around, and suddenly there was a majestic old man's voice behind him.

"Qi Helian, you are quite early."

Qi Helian had a cold back, turned around, smiled and looked at the old man standing on the steps, condescendingly, "Grandpa early."

The old man snorted coldly, "It's early enough."

Qi Helian smiled, "Have you had breakfast?"

"My grandson is coming out of the closet, and my appetite is very good." The old man snorted after speaking, and started to walk downstairs.

Qi He hurried to greet him, supporting his old man's arm with both hands, "It's all scribbled by the media, and I can just pull a woman to prove for me that I'm an authentic straight man."

The old man mocked: "It's hard for you to bother to make our Qi family famous these days."

Qi Helian smiled and nodded, "That is, Ji Xiaoshaoji, the first family in Hehai City, is full of love. I don't have to worry about selling out the movie this time."

Hearing this, the old man's face sank without anger.