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Chapter 647

Faced with Zhou Muqing\'s proposal, Feng Jian really wanted to accept it, but the other party had already seen him, so he felt like running away just like that, and she didn\'t do anything wrong, so there was no need to leave.

Running away is like trying to escape from something.

"I think it\'s pretty good here." Feng Jian said.

Speaking of which, the waiter greeted Zhou Muqing and Feng Jian to sit down, beside Lu Zexiao and Li Yixiang.

Li Yixiang served Lu Zexiao attentively, "Eat more, it\'s been a hard day after a busy day."

Lu Zexiao looked towards Feng Jian from time to time, and after a few seconds he got up and left the restaurant, Li Yixiang immediately chased him out.

"You\'re not happy to see her?"

Speaking of which, Li Yixiang lowered his head secretly, and said aggrievedly, "I know you can\'t let go of that past in your heart."

Lu Zexiao lightly stroked Li Yixiang\'s hair, "I\'ll take you back."

Li Yixiang looked up at Lu Zexiao, "Okay."

After Lu Zexiao sent Li Yixiang home, Li Yixiang tightly held Lu Zexiao\'s right hand with both hands.

"Just stay tonight, okay? I can satisfy you whatever you want. I am your fiancee, and I am most qualified to do things for you."

Lu Zexiao walked directly into Li Yixiang\'s house without saying anything.

"Yixiang." He looked at Li Yixiang affectionately, but he felt emotional in his heart, the person in front of him was not Kazami, "I can\'t do it."

Li Yixiang thought that what he was waiting for was a good match, but he did not expect that his words were still so cold.

Unable to control her emotions, she threw herself directly into Lu Zexiao\'s arms.

"You try to do it, can you try it? We used to be able to love each other, and now we have the same chance. That woman doesn\'t love you at all!"

Li Yixiang\'s words touched Lu Zexiao\'s sore spot.

In an instant, his forbearance was ignited, and it was about to explode in the next second!

Lu Zexiao looked at Li Yixiang and pushed her down on the sofa. He wanted to use this method to hide his heart.

When he tore off Li Yixiang\'s shirt, he found that his hands were frozen and he couldn\'t continue.

Li Yixiang\'s original anticipation and mobilized emotions instantly cooled down.

She couldn\'t help thinking of Beichuan, every time he never let Li Yixiang down and satisfied her.

Looking at Lu Zexiao in front of him, Li Yixiang felt very frustrated, his performance made him unable to feel the charm that a woman should have.

But she didn\'t want to just give up!

Li Yixiang hugged Lu Zexiao\'s waist tightly, fearing that he would leave in a second.

"Don\'t go, don\'t go."

Lu Zexiao slowly pushed Li Yixiang away, no matter what she said, he still left.


Feng Jian, who was still having dinner with Zhou Muqing, was inexplicably disappointed when he saw Lu Zexiao leave.

"Feng Jian, what are you thinking?" Zhou Muqing saw that she was in a trance today, and also guessed that it might be because of Lu Zexiao, but he didn\'t want to mention it.

Feng Jian came back to his senses and smiled, "It\'s nothing, tell me about the past between the two of us, I want to hear it."

Since she used to be a classmate, she must be clear about her mother\'s affairs. If she can\'t remember the past, it is good to listen to other people\'s lectures. There are not so many troubles in the student days.

Zhou Muqing told Feng Jian about the past, but the way she listened to the new story made him feel painful to breathe.

He had known her for so long, and those good memories suddenly disappeared.