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Chapter 646

Kazami thought about explaining it, but with her current relationship with Beichuan, doing those things is actually normal, there is nothing to explain.

It\'s just that the text of those text messages is too explicit, which makes people look very uncomfortable, and it\'s a bit loose and sloppy.

But thinking about Lu Zexiao\'s original intention and possessiveness, he felt that there was no need to explain it.

She glanced at the time on her phone, it was not too late, she made an agreement with Zhou Muqing last night, if she had time, she would meet again.

Seeing sooner than later, she contacted Zhou Muqing.

"I\'m off work now, we can meet."

"Where are you? I\'ll pick you up."

Kazami refused subconsciously, "No need, just tell me the meeting place, I\'ll drive..."

She thought about it for a while, and she told her assistant to drive away the car that was left in the studio, and it was not in Lu\'s parking lot, "Take a taxi to save you the time of going back and forth."

Zhou Muqing was also very considerate and didn\'t want Feng Jian to toss back and forth, "You tell me where you are, and I\'ll choose a place near you to meet."

"Lu Shi, see you later."

Zhou Muqing felt a little uncomfortable when he heard about Lu Shi, but he quickly responded, "I\'ll call you when I arrive."

Immediately Kazami hung up the phone.


Li Yixiang had already arrived at Lu Zexiao\'s office, she knocked on the door first, but no one answered before she opened the door and went in.

His office was very dark, and Lu Zexiao sat in his seat with his head bowed in thought.

In the huge office, there was only one floor lamp lit beside Lu Zexiao.

Li Yixiang walked over and put his arm around Lu Zexiao\'s shoulder, "What are you thinking, are you unhappy?"

Lu Zexiao didn\'t respond, but Li Yixiang knew he heard it.

"If you are unhappy, I will be unhappy with you. Don\'t be like this, okay?"

Although her concern was not important to Lu Zexiao, being the only woman by his side at such a moment would somewhat move him.

Lu Zexiao raised his head slowly, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"No, I know you are still busy, so I came here to find you and want to eat together."

Lu Zexiao squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, he took advantage of the situation and pulled Li Yixiang\'s hand, "Go downstairs."

Li Yixiang was super happy to take the initiative to contact, it seems that what he did yesterday was right.

She followed and held Lu Zexiao\'s hand tightly.

Li Yixiang was afraid that Lu Zexiao would shake her off, so he brought up this matter, "Don\'t shake me off, I want to hold on to her for a while, isn\'t it too much?"

Lu Zexiao looked at Li Yixiang, but let her pull him.

Frustrated on Kazami\'s side, it is natural to seek a kind of comfort.

Li Yixiang took Lu Zexiao to a nearby restaurant, "This is the closest, let\'s eat here."

This restaurant is more homely. Li Yixiang, who used to be a high-end restaurant, wanted to change his style this time.

"What do you want to eat?"

Lu Zexiao was a little distracted, Li Yixiang asked again, he just let her choose.

When the food was being served, Zhou Muqing and Kazami opened the door and came in.

Kazami smiled lightly, she could tell her social status from her current clothes, she was definitely not someone who would come to such a homely restaurant for dinner.

But Zhou Muqing was very happy when he saw her pointing at this restaurant. Even though she couldn\'t remember the past, many of her habits hadn\'t changed, which proved that she was still Jian Xiaoge and hadn\'t changed.

As they walked, they saw Lu Zexiao and Li Yixiang.

Feng Jian felt a little embarrassed, and Zhou Muqing noticed it, "Do you want to change?"