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Chapter 648

Zhou Muqing saw that the wind at this time was much calmer than before, with gentle eyes, and listened carefully to what he said about school.

Feng Jian couldn\'t help laughing when he heard those exciting stories, "Was I that skinny back then?"

Zhou Muqing nodded, "Yes, you were very good when you were in school. You\'re just a girl. I\'m just the little brother who follows your ass and chases after you. I want to get involved with you in everything, and I especially listen to you."

Zhou Muqing\'s description made Feng Jian feel that he actually had a black/old/big temperament when he was in school.

"I used to be so powerful. What about me... what about my mother? What kind of person is she?"

This is the part that Kazami wanted to know the most but was the hardest to understand. Bei Chuan didn\'t know, Lu Zexiao was so mad at her mother that she passed away, so naturally she wouldn\'t tell the truth.

Many of his tender feelings now seem to be staged.

"Auntie is a very strong person. She brought you up and took care of you by herself."

"one person?"

Because Kazami hadn\'t heard about his other relatives from Beichuan or Lu Zexiao, so he didn\'t know what the other people were like.

Now that Zhou Muqing said that she was brought up by her mother alone, she wanted to know the reason.

Zhou Muqing only said that when she was young, her parents separated.

Later, he continued to talk about Jian Xiaoge\'s mother, "Auntie has a very good personality and treats me very well. I often go to your house for dinner. There is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, and a straightforward personality."

Such a description makes Kazami miss him even more.

At this moment, she couldn\'t hold back her emotions, but she didn\'t want to cry.

Kazami picked up the chopsticks and began to pick up the vegetables. She ate to ease her current mood.

Zhou Muqing always paid attention to her changes, "If you want, I can take you to see your mother."

When Fengjian heard these words, she finally couldn\'t help but shed tears, but she quickly wiped them off, "No need, let\'s not look at it for now."

Now she is back with amnesia and can\'t remember anything.

She hasn\'t sought justice yet, and she hasn\'t made those people pay the price. She doesn\'t know what state she will be in to see her mother.

At the end of the meal, the atmosphere was a bit heavy, Fengjian didn\'t drive, so Zhou Muqing sent her back.

While in the car, Feng Jian curiously asked Zhou Muqing about his family\'s affairs.

"Then my mother is separated from my father? Is my father divorced from my mother or is he gone?"

Some guesses are bad, so she didn\'t directly say two bad words.

Zhou Muqing knew about Jian Xiaoge\'s parents at that time, and that period of memory is not good, if he doesn\'t remember it, he won\'t remember it.

He casually made up a very normal, and there is no harmful reason.

"It\'s just a peaceful separation."

Hearing that his father was still there, Kazami breathed a sigh of relief, it would be better if he died.

"So where is my dad now? Can I see him?"

After all, they are the only relatives who are related by blood in this world, so Kazami naturally wants to see him.

Zhou Muqing looked at Feng Jian with some embarrassment, "Since he separated from Auntie back then, it\'s better not to see him now."

Feng Jian could tell from Zhou Muqing\'s words that he didn\'t want them to meet.

"okay, I get it."

After Zhou Muqing sent Fengjian back to the villa, he stayed for a while before leaving.

He knew that there was another man in this villa. After meeting Kazami, he investigated it.

Zhou Muqing didn\'t want to disturb Feng Jian\'s new life, if this man was willing to protect Feng Jian and treat her well, he would rather she stay with this man than follow Lu Zexiao any more.